Ryoshi no sato (Fisher's village) i Kashiwa

JapanRyoshi no sato (Fisher's village)



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Japan, 〒277-0871 Chiba, Kashiwa, Wakashiba, 173−8 柏の葉キャンパス 151街区 B棟SB-5
kontakter telefon: +81 4-7132-5711
internet side: ryoushinosato.owst.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.8934199, Longitude: 139.9532693

kommentar 5

  • Vicky Wang

    Vicky Wang


    Really love the soup and the chawanmushi steam egg

  • MIRA N.

    MIRA N.


    I used it for lunch on a weekday. I arrived around 11:30, but it wasn't crowded and I was guided right away. The seats are semi-private, so you can relax and not worry about being seen, but the conversation can be quite audible, so you can only talk in a whisper. I could easily hear other customers talking. I ordered the ladies set. Sushi, fried chicken, carpaccio, steamed egg custard, miso soup, and dessert are all very satisfying! The sushi ingredients are also very fresh and the scallops are very tender. The salmon was also fatty and delicious. The next time I come, I want to try more different types of sushi. Carpaccio was disappointing. There was so much mayonnaise on it that it only tasted like mayonnaise. The miso soup and shrimp soup were very good. I thought I'd like to come again.

  • วรุตม์ บุญนิธิ

    วรุตม์ บุญนิธิ


    I ordered toro set and that was great, especially otoro and chutoro.

  • Family Movva

    Family Movva


    Great sushi! Had the all tuna set and ended up adding a couple of extra pieces of Toro as it was really good!

  • Nico Colic

    Nico Colic


    I have been coming here almost every day when I was working at 柏の葉, and even though my Japanese is very limited, I have only received the best and most warm service, and tastiest sushi and sashimi.

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