Ryokan Sensyoen i Asahikawa

JapanRyokan Sensyoen


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Japan, 〒070-8061 Hokkaido, Asahikawa, Takasagodai, 3-chōme−8−3 8番3号
kontakter telefon: +81 166-61-5154
internet side: sensyoen.co.jp
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Latitude: 43.7663214, Longitude: 142.3129759

kommentar 5

  • Cham



    Lovely English speaking staff compared to the rest of the nation. Front desk has bus schedule for us to plan our schedule. It has very scenic view. We are luckily enough to witness snowing throughout our stay. Food is very good too. 5 stars.

  • David Chacon

    David Chacon


    Fantastic place. Great onsens. A little hard to get to with infrequent buses but truly provide the authentic Japanese experience. Breakfast was amazing too!

  • Aeh Ratanavibhas

    Aeh Ratanavibhas


    The room is spacious and clean (no tv but stable wifi). The bathroom and toilet are separated (which is convenient for our 3 people group). The onsen is small but enough for our need. There are normal temperature onsen, a lower temperature than usual onsen, an outdoor onsen (no outdoor view though). When you come out from the onsen, there is a resting area where you can look out to their Japanese garden. The Japanese traditional breakfast is a lovely touch to complete the ryokan stay. Parking is available here. The location is a bit far from the city but we rented a car hence it was not a problem for us. Some staffs do not speak English but they are always helpful and trying to understand :)

  • Jim Long

    Jim Long


    Very friendly and and good English speaking staff. Although this hotel looks a bit old but the room space is very big and onsen is great. I an a vegetarian and chef tried very well to fit me, both breakfast and dinner are delicious. Very relaxing experience and will re-visit.

  • Nelson Ly

    Nelson Ly


    Was treated like a guest in a 5 star hotel. Dinner that was packaged was very personalized. The rooms were very clean and the onset (hot springs) was also clean.

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