Ryokan Matsushima en Yokohama

JapónRyokan Matsushima


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Japan, 〒232-0043 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Minami Ward, Maitachō, 863 旅館松島
contactos teléfono: +81 45-731-2720
sitio web: www.r-matsushima.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.4279319, Longitude: 139.6118457

comentarios 5

  • Anita Padman

    Anita Padman


    Visiting tourist from Singapore, we were part of football camp student. 15 of us. Loved our stay here. The hotel is walking distance from Maita station. The staff is so generous and friendly. We didn't speak Japanese but it was no problem at all. The rooms are spacious clean , with tatami mats and table. No other furniture. There is a mink fridge and locker available in the room. Dining space is common. There are male and female spa . For us it was a unique Japanese transitional experience. No wifi, no fan in the room. The hotel has one vending machine for cold beverage. Maita is a small town so few family marts and few restaurants.gets quite after sunset. So if you want some peace and quite this is your place . No laundry service , but there is a public laundry at a walking distance

  • Wendy Zheng

    Wendy Zheng


    For a tourist, this is a nice slice of suburban Yokohama. If you want to experience ryokan on the cheap this is the place for it. It’s a little bare bones (our room was “self service” for the bedding which I’ve never had in a ryokan) because of the age of the hosts but the breakfast was great and so was the bath.

  • Phil Music

    Phil Music


    Had a wonderful, last minute stay here in a spacious, reasonably priced room. Went to a glorious hole in the wall bar/Yakitori place round the corner. Great place to stay if in the area.

  • Todd Cooper

    Todd Cooper


    Very nice place, with great service. A little bit away from Yokohama, but accessible by subway.

  • john suh

    john suh


    Worst ryokan exp. ever Owner is very rude and cant communicate in English.

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