Royal Garden Cafe Aoyama i Minato City

JapanRoyal Garden Cafe Aoyama



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2-chōme-1-19 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5414-6170
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6723541, Longitude: 139.7204279

kommentar 5

  • Ani Arguelles

    Ani Arguelles


    Nice view… long wait when I visited so maybe that took something from the experience. The ginger ale is good. The appetizer is a bit pricey for me based on the serving. The fish is good but the sides were let the dish down a bit.

  • chongminji



    The view is nice, but it's too hot. I ordered the set menu, but I didn't receive the focaccia. and the salad served after the main dish. The staff must know it but just skipped it. :(

  • Ĵonilo N

    Ĵonilo N


    The vibe is absolutely great! An ideal place for lunch with your friends. However, the portion is a little bit small. There is also a small bakery inside the cafe.

  • Eric Cheng

    Eric Cheng


    The cafe got a very nice view towards the trees beside the main road, however for outdoor seatings the leaves will fall onto the tables and food. The vegan pasta is normal as the spices is not enough, while the salad is quite outstanding. The ginger ale is what surprised me that with additional mint and apple pieces, it enhanced the flavor and smooth the hotness of the ginger flavor.

  • asahi shiro

    asahi shiro


    Very nice place to enjoy and relax. The restaurant had a strawberry theme which was really cute. They had a little candle on the table which is very romantic and sweet. We wanted to have a seat at the terrace, but we couldn't resist sitting on a table with a candle on. There was a special menu with strawberry theme dishes. Kinda pricey, but the cake was very good. Also, there was an online shop were you can get cute strawberry theme items. The restaurant itself is located in a very nice location where you can enjoy the view of Aoyama street. Unfortunately, the second floor was opened only for dinner, and we only wanted to enjoy a cup of coffee with some sweets. In general, it was a very nice experience, totally worth a shot if you are in the area.

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