R.O.Star Takadanobaba in Shinjuku-ku

JapanR.O.Star Takadanobaba



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Japan, 〒169-0075 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Takadanobaba, 2 Chome−14−2 新陽ビル B1F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6265-9555
webseite: www.rostar.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7124152, Longitude: 139.7072641

kommentare 5

  • Nick Jones

    Nick Jones


    This place is amazing!!! Affordable coffee but it's so good and roasted on site every day so it's super fresh. I couldn't believe it, at first. Free WiFi, too. Staff is super nice. Seriously I come here like everyday now to get some work done or hang with friends.

  • Eugene Hoekendorf

    Eugene Hoekendorf


    Cheap sandwiches, good taste. On the small side. Popular with students. Free wi-fi.

  • Nick Wilkinson

    Nick Wilkinson


    Nice place for a good sandwich, coffee and internet. No cafe latte's here though.

  • Ralph Scrivner

    Ralph Scrivner


    Sandwich was actually pretty good. Fresh made and size was good. Coffee here was alright. Although, I ordered a large coffee they only gave me half a cup. Plus, you have to purchase sugar and cream separately. Who ever heard of that?!? Ridiculous! Service, was a bit rude as well. Didn't even offer a tray for my hot drink! Sorry, I'll go back to Starbucks where coffee is always good and

  • Ibaraki Ben

    Ibaraki Ben


    A great sandwich shop with a good menu and variety of snacks. The layout is very nice, with wooden tables, chairs and stools and very clean. The food is very good and a great serving so if you get a set you leave full. The menu is bilingual and they do takeaway too. Although you have to prepare the takeaway (bagging it up) yourself. The only downfall is this place is popular and there is one one cash register. So you often find there are long lines at peak times and waiting for your food can take a while.

nächste Cafe

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