Room117 in Oita




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒870-0832 Oita, Uenomachi, 4−14 執行ビル 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 97-507-7856
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.2289435, Longitude: 131.6119159

kommentare 5

  • Fusako Suga

    Fusako Suga


    I went there for the first time. I had to order at one reception and then go upstairs to eat, so I couldn't see what it was like from outside. The second floor had a compact feel. The parfait, coffee, and donuts were delicious. I ordered two donuts to take home.

  • 内海一至



    The food and drinks are carefully made, and the restaurant has a relaxing atmosphere. The pasta set was delicious.

  • meg



    ꙳★*゚Room 117꙳★*゚ A stylish cafe in Oita City! ! The store has croissants etc. on the first floor. sales of bread, When you go up to the second floor, you will find cafe miscellaneous goods ⑅*. For meals, please select the menu first on the 1st floor. A system where you pay on your way home. There are table seats and counter seats. Look at cute miscellaneous goods while waiting You can turn⋈*.. Popular for lunch and cafes Advance reservations are recommended 𐂐𖥣 Enjoy the parfaits that change with the seasons. ✱Same-day reservations are only available by phone between 9:00 and 11:00☎ *ROOM SET(¥1500) ・Bacon and tartar sandwich ・Chinese cream pasta with scallops and taa cai ・Colorful salad ・Onion soup ・Your favorite drink The croissant is crispy inside. Bacon is juicy! Because it is a size that can be eaten easily Pasta when you're hungry We recommend a large portion ✧︎*. *Strawberry and custard tart (¥690) After dinner with a cafe latte 𖠚ᐝ Bigger size than I Several types of sweets are available. *Apple pie (¥550) The handmade breads lined up in the showcase on the 1st floor All the menu items are interesting! The crispy and moist dough is delicious. Contains a slightly larger apple. [Address] 4-14 Executive Building, Uenocho, Oita City [Business hours] 10:00~17:00 (Sunday 10:00~16:00) ✱Lunch time 11:00~15:00 [Closed] Mondays, 3rd Saturday & Sunday Irregular holidays [Parking] Available (9 spaces) @room117

  • Anne Quach

    Anne Quach


    Love the store. Drinks and food are tasty and have reasonable price

  • Prima Shariff

    Prima Shariff


    Lovely place! Definitely coming back here! Great pastries, coffee and espresso, and desserts. You can also order lunch boxes here ahead of time.

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