Rokin Kosai w Kosai

JaponiaRokin Kosai



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1005-1 Komi, Kosai, Shizuoka 431-0442, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-576-3511
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.718679, Longitude: 137.533939

komentarze 4

  • てんてんkiyomo



    It was very helpful to receive very kind responses such as how to fill in the forms.

  • 真子



    The branch operations themselves are normal. More than that, I heard that Mr. and Mrs. Fuji, a former branch manager, were concerned about the behavior of others, especially his wife. He seems to be staring at me. The owner will come to see it in person. Recently, it seems that both the couple can be seen looking at the window on the second floor with it slightly open. He said it felt disgusting. additional talk I was trying to cut a branch of a hedge that was protruding into my neighbor's garden, but it seems like he went into the neighbor's garden without permission when he was away and cut it. I wish I could say something. addition 2 I heard it again It seems that my husband always comes to the door even if things can be done over the phone. When I was painting the house, I talked to my husband about doing it, but he came back the next day when he wasn't there and told his wife too. She said she felt like a stalker and was scared.

  • スナフキン13号



    Unlike banks that prioritize profits, the staff at Rokin are very kind and nice.

  • たにぐちりほ



    I asked for a loan in a week, but for some reason it arrived 10 days later. What I'm saying isn't clear, and my responses are confusing. Since it's not for profit, I understand that the person at the counter isn't trying desperately to make us a customer, but why not just talk to them? ? ? ? ? And I seriously can't use an old man in his 40s who just tells me to go home early without telling him how much the monthly loan repayments will be. The rest of the people give explanations that are easy to understand, but that guy just doesn't seem clean and I wish he would disappear. I was planning to deliver the car by the end of the year, but because of you that's now impossible. Seriously.

najbliższy Bankomat

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