Robatakan en Matsuzaki




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58-2 Michibu, Matsuzaki, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3618, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 558-42-3070
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.749127, Longitude: 138.774912

comentarios 5

  • K Y (EGD)

    K Y (EGD)


    Stayed here for a room without meals around June. Perhaps because it was off-season and a weekday, there didn't seem to be any other guests staying there other than myself. Although I was staying alone, I was shown to a room where six people could sleep. However, when I turned on the air conditioner to turn on the air conditioner, a large amount of dust came from the air conditioner. It was pouring down...I was not used to traveling at the time and was a timid person, so I didn't inform the hostel and went to bed avoiding the dust zone. As expected, it's not ready to welcome guests... Today's baths aren't very spacious, and you'll probably have to be very careful when someone else is using them.

  • 大山公昭



    I used it on the trail. The bus stop is also conveniently located right in front of the hotel. The written articles are delicious and I am satisfied. I was satisfied with the various services and consideration. It's a shame that the bath is a little small! We will use you again.

  • 小林寿典



    I was looking forward to the hot springs, but it was smaller than I expected. There is only one indoor bath for men and women, and at least the men's bath is full for three people. I wonder if the number of people allowed to use the baths is too small compared to the number of people allowed to stay.

  • Kazunori Uchiyama

    Kazunori Uchiyama


    I used it on a family trip. It was easy to spend time with polite service. We will be staying on weekdays in August, and after dinner they will come and lay out the futon for us. The room has a sink, toilet, safe, and pod, but there is no refrigerator, so if you don't have a lot of things to keep cold, you can leave them at the front desk. The baths are separated by men and women, with one indoor bath, and the hot spring water flows directly from the source. The water is clear and has a light sulfur odor. It is best to turn it with a stirring stick. If I could be patient at first, I would get used to it and feel comfortable. My 3rd grade son also worked hard. I would like to go again.




    I used it as a night before ITJ. I had a hearty dinner with plenty of seafood, took a bath, and had a very relaxing time the day before the race. It took less than 20 minutes to walk to the venue, and it was a great way to warm up. Thank you for delivering the forgotten items. It was a good trip!

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