リストランテ パスタ in Sendai

Japanリストランテ パスタ



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒981-3204 Miyagi, Sendai, Izumi Ward, Teraoka, 1-chōme−1−1 リストランテパスタ
kontakte telefon: +81 22-777-8444
webseite: www.pasta-jp.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.335567, Longitude: 140.837061

kommentare 5

  • 鷲尾はな



    It was fully booked soon after opening. If you make a reservation, the parking lot will be reserved for you, so if you make a reservation before you go, you won't have to wait long. Set menu is good value

  • 石川達夫



    If you order 30 minutes before the last lunch order, there will be space in the parking lot, so you can sit down and order without waiting. I had the Allegro lunch.

  • いわいわ



    I've been a fan ever since they had a store in a different location. I remember that no matter what I ate, it was delicious. This time I went to Teraoka for the first time. The building and atmosphere are nice, and of course the pasta is satisfying. It's spacious inside, so even when the parking lot was full, I was able to go inside and eat without having to wait.

  • おさけすきMi



    The salad is delicious. I think the dressing is delicious, but the vegetables are also really delicious. Surprised!! ️The pasta is of course delicious.

  • 水玉男



    I was nearby on a business trip and stopped by for lunch. It was an Italian restaurant that was faithful to the basics and was very delicious! I chose the Allegro lunch, and the pasta was perfectly cooked al dente, and the salad was packed with vegetables and the dressing was delicious. For dessert, the blackcurrant sorbet and tiramisu are also delicious. I guess it's popular locally! I want to come again.

nächste Restaurant

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