Ringer Hut AEON MALL Kyoto in 京都市南区

JapanRinger Hut AEON MALL Kyoto



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒601-8417 Kyoto, 京都市南区Minami Ward, Nishikujō Toriiguchichō, 1番地 さくら 館4F
kontakte telefon: +81 75-693-8117
webseite: shop.ringerhut.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9827834, Longitude: 135.7544891

kommentare 5

  • Yeh Yeh

    Yeh Yeh


    The chain Nagasaki Strong Noodles is located in the food court on the 4th floor. You can get water by yourself ~ the price is quite affordable and there are a lot of vegetables! The fried rice is also delicious, but I think the dumplings are average.

  • よしひろ



    Pirikara Champon and half fried rice. I went to Sports Xebio to buy running wear. To make up for the lack of vegetables, I went to Ringer Hut in the food court. ◎Pirikara Champon 780 yen ◎Half fried rice 290 yen Looking at the menu, it looks like it's 2 spicy. It's spicy and the food goes well. Champon is full of vegetables and has a stable taste, but what surprised me a little was the fried rice. It is fried with plenty of oil and is delicious. Ringer Hut's fried rice is amazing. 141st cup in 23 years

  • I S

    I S


    Large Mall in a convenient location.

  • Nan Hu

    Nan Hu


    Great value for the price.

  • Nicolas Franco

    Nicolas Franco


    More than expected, good quality for the price

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