りむ商会 en Asahikawa




🕗 horarios

6-chōme-5-15 Higashiasahikawa Minami 1 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8261, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-36-6255
sitio web: rimcoffee.thebase.in
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.7703487, Longitude: 142.4448539

comentarios 5

  • s k

    s k


    It was my first time visiting here, but I wonder if the shop owner's ``likes'' are packed into it. It was a shop that you could imagine. The coffee was delicious and they had a variety of miscellaneous goods. I couldn't ask because there were other customers, but I thought I'd like to ask about the concept of the store and how it got started the next time I visit ☺️

  • おテンモク



    First visit in October 2023 I wanted to drink coffee while driving, so I searched for it on Google Maps. This one was a hit in my area so I went there. First of all, the appearance of the store is nice. There are antique furniture near the entrance. When you go inside, the space is filled with lots of miscellaneous goods, books, and clothing! My favorite atmosphere! ...But where is the important coffee space? ? When I asked the staff, it seems that the cafe space is no longer there. It looks like you can take out coffee, scones, etc. The day I visited was the day of an event (?), and the atmosphere was like a used clothing or handmade market. The friendly staff explained it to me, but in the end I didn't really understand what type of store it was ^^; There was a nice roasting machine there, so I guess they are still roasting their food in-house. The scones I took out were warmed up and eaten in the car. It wasn't dry, it was a moist and delicious scone, which I liked. It's a unique and interesting store. When I visited for the second time, there was a cute Japanese squirrel near a tree in the parking lot. Everyone, please take care of your vehicles.

  • やまたぬ



    I visited RIM Cafe for the first time.I wanted to eat scones and cake❗, but I found it on the internet, so I decided to go there✨ When I looked online, I saw a photo of them serving light meals, so I went with the intention of having rice, dessert, and coffee. However, when I looked at it later, I realized that the photo was from a long time ago... We have coffee, scones, and bread, but it doesn't seem like we're eating at the moment. I was nervous because my husband was flat on his feet 😱💦 Then, the waiter's sister told me that there was a delicious restaurant nearby😋🍴💕, and even though I had already gotten water, I went back once and was full.m(__)m🙏💦💦 Since it took a while, and because after-dinner coffee was included, I took out the scones❗I ate them in the car on the way home, and they were delicious⤴(*´∇`*) ✨ Next time, I will take revenge by having coffee, cake, and scones ❗❗ This is a postscript. Since then, I've taken out coffee, scones, muffins, and gateau chocolate several times ❤️ I thought there was only black coffee, but I discovered cafe latte❗️ I thought they didn't have a cafe latte, so I ordered it after drinking it, so this time I got a snack 🍰 I was intrigued by the fact that they had gateau chocolate 🤣 It’s sticky and delicious with a car in it 😍 I want to eat this again✨ Did the scones this time feel a little dry? Did you bake it yesterday? Next time, I will go buy a cafe latte and snacks ☺️🙏

  • mighty tom

    mighty tom


    Great place, very good coffee and food. They did their best to talk in english and that was super cute. i recommand!

  • Jan den Boon

    Jan den Boon


    Ran into this cosy coffeehouse while road tripping Hokkaido. The staff speaks a bit of English and the cakes as well as the coffee are to die for

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