Rikkyo University in Toshima-ku

JapanRikkyo University


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Japan, 〒171-8501 Tōkyō-to, Toshima-ku, Nishiikebukuro, 3 Chome−34−1
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3985-2231
webseite: www.rikkyo.ac.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.730506, Longitude: 139.704029

kommentare 5

  • Julia Sari

    Julia Sari



  • Booger Boy

    Booger Boy


    Beautiful scenery in fall. The ivy turns red in mid November. The pine tree in the main entrance was trimmed like a toy tree shape.

  • en



    Rikkyo is one of the great university in Tokyo. It has long history and also they have prestigious tradition and facilities. Rikkyo has some advantages for students who attend there. The policy of this university is "Academia of Freedom". It makes students more active to their own interest. However, most of the students tend to avoid studying but they like to hang out with their friends such as drinking. Rikkyo has also has great facility which support students carefully and perfectly. For example, they have a lot of information and connection with company so that students can easily contact to those working opportunity. Rikkyo is also located on Ikebukuro which is one of the big city in Tokyo. There has many restaurant, amusement park, transportation, and work place, so students are able to get good experiences there. Overall, Rikkyo is great university for students. It has well environment for studying, lot of information for job hunting, and located on good location.

  • クラインラクス



    I value my educational experience in Rikkyo University so much. Located on best area in Tokyo, beautiful scenery around the year, nice people and full of professionals. I had the honor to participate in setting up the Prayer Room. Thank you Allah 🙏🏻♥️♥️

  • en

    Hiroyuki Degawa


    My school. I appreciate great friends.

nächste Universität

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