Restaurant Arashiyama in Kyoto

JapanRestaurant Arashiyama



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33 Sagatenryūji Tsukurimichichō, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8384, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 75-872-5111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0141494, Longitude: 135.6787229

kommentare 5

  • Awesome Ness

    Awesome Ness


    Huge wide spread of food . Very healthy toufu, and Japanese pickled food . Less salt . For those health conscious tourists. Hit up the restaurants

  • Mohamed Izam Mohamed Hani

    Mohamed Izam Mohamed Hani


    Halal Food in Arashimaya. Place is nice and beautiful. Just ask for the halal menu from the waiters and they will be happy to oblige and explain to you. There's halal kids meal too. Free flow of green tea and cold iced water. A definite pit stop for Muslims visiting the area... They even have tatami rooms too.

  • Katie Bunce

    Katie Bunce


    Good food for a buffet. Some great items and some blah. Overall decent spot but nothing to write home about

  • Brian B

    Brian B


    Tour guide said might not be the tastiest, but very aesthetically pleasing food. I beg to differ, when your food is so beautiful, it's hard to be bad. It's a buffet tho, so you'll have to arrange the food yourself. You get this 3x3 plates that you place your food on. I had fun decorating my plate. Choices ranges from fried foods, pickles, grilled, curry, spaghetti, cakes, desserts to ice cream.

  • Anthony Sarria

    Anthony Sarria


    Buffet style restaurant. Great food. So much to choose from. Enjoyed my belly full

nächste Restaurant

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