Resona Bank Tokyo Central Branch en Chuo City

JapónResona Bank Tokyo Central Branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒104-0028 Tokyo, Chuo City, Yaesu, 2-chōme−1−1 YANMAR TOKYO 4階
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3276-6611
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6798574, Longitude: 139.7693767

comentarios 5

  • Suke Maru

    Suke Maru


    It was located on the second floor of Nihonbashi Front, where Chuo-dori and Yaesu-dori intersect. Resona Bank, which is promoting branch-in-branch, is also consolidating its branches in this area, and from December 19, 2022, general over-the-counter services will be moved to the Nihonbashi branch location. As a result, the Nihonbashi branch now operates four stores in the same location: Tokyo Chuo, Muromachi, and Toyosu.

  • 80ユウジ



    YANMER TOWER's Tokyo Chuo branch is a store specializing in corporate sales, so there is no ATM or passbook transfer machine installed. The passbook transfer machine in my neighborhood is the Resona Bank Tokyo Branch located in JP Tower (KITTE) in Marunouchi.

  • Takanori Ito

    Takanori Ito


    All operations including ATMs will end on December 18, 2022. Yaesumae and Nihonbashi branches are suggested as alternatives, but I personally recommend Yaechika's ATM the most.

  • M. Amy

    M. Amy


    Located on the 2nd floor of the building, use the elevator. There are multiple ATMs, and you can operate them calmly and carefully without having to worry about what's happening behind you. Classical music was playing, which made me feel different from other stores. I also borrowed the restroom, and it was clean and comfortable.

  • A Y (ヤスシ)

    A Y (ヤスシ)


    I received an explanation about currency exchange, but the explanation was based on the assumption that I would be exchanging a large amount of 1 million yen. I am telling them that I would like to exchange a small amount of tens of thousands of yen into small change or other small items. Isn't there a money exchange machine since it takes a long time to go to the counter? When I asked, why bother? I was also asked. Moreover, it has been determined that there are no other places in Tokyo that have money exchange machines... No, it seems like there are some stores that have it...? Are we moving toward complete abolition? Due to its location, it is mainly used for corporate transactions, so I don't think it is suitable for use for small purposes.

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