Resona Bank Imaike Branch i Nagoya

JapanResona Bank Imaike Branch



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Japan, 〒464-0850 Aichi, Nagoya, Chikusa Ward, Imaike, 5-chōme−1−5 名古屋センタープラザビル 内
kontakter telefon: +81 52-732-5311
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.168659, Longitude: 136.9374873

kommentar 5

  • 堀内真司



    I went there the other day to open an account. I knew you could open an account online, but I thought it would be better to open an account at the Imaike branch since it could be completed on the same day. It had to be made at Resona Bank as specified by the company. Since I don't have one in the prefecture where I live, I took a weekday off and went from a neighboring prefecture to open an account. What? Nowadays, you need to make a reservation to open an account, and they won't make one for you even if you just walk in? I don't know about that! That's what I thought, yeah. I know it's a bad idea to say this, but I went all the way and still can't make it! It became. In the end, I made it on the web... Isn't that true? That's what I thought. I didn't expect to be politely turned away from the door, so I thought it was a little strange. The bank employee seemed apologetic, but I guess that's not the case at the bank. I think so.

  • けいたろう



    I was sorting out my bank book and went through a lot of things, but this woman's response surprised me. It's a troublesome attitude. I don't want to go anymore

  • Tetsu_Pon



    I have been working with Resona Bank (Imaike branch) for a long time, and the bank staff are very kind and polite. I live nearby so this is my main bank.

  • ton she

    ton she


    It's a very conspicuous building that stands on the corner of a main street. This is the store on the first floor.

  • Kosuke Sakai

    Kosuke Sakai


    Resona Bank I had something to do. The service is courteous.

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