R&B Hotel Shin-Yokohama Ekimae in Yokohama

JapanR&B Hotel Shin-Yokohama Ekimae


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2-chōme-15-20 Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 45-478-1717
webseite: randb.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.5100957, Longitude: 139.6154786

kommentare 5

  • Lj



    Good value for money at 40$ you get a clean space. It’s small but cute. Ideal for solo traveller.

  • K W (Kumi)

    K W (Kumi)


    While travelling, need place to sleep and shower. Small but clean room, close to the station. Easy to go to Tokyo, Yokohama, Kamakura etc.

  • Amabri



    The room is clean and tidy, though it a bit cram compare to other places. The breakfast does only contain bread, don't know if because corona or not, but it is pretty delicious in my opinion. Sadly no parking space here, so you have to park somewhere else. Overall would recommend.

  • m nasir

    m nasir


    A typical small hotel. Rooms are OK and basic breakfast is available. The reception counter is at level 2 with guests access via stairs; for heavy luggages need assistant to use the service elevator.

  • JP 671

    JP 671


    Easy to find place. 5 mins away from shin-yokohama station. close to eateries and bars. rooms are comfy even though its small size. i am 5'10" so i fit perfectly on the bed. I think it will be fine if there is 2 of you but the space will be limited because not much room to place your luggage. i got a video so sorry i can't seem to post it. since its just 1person staying, i think the room is fine. that is my prefrence its up to you. oh btw it is really budget friendly. staff are nice but doesn't talk to much english so brush up on your japanese.

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