ラ・ローズデバン en Hamamatsu




🕗 horarios

671-1 Inasachō Okuyama, Hamana-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-2224, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-528-4455
sitio web: la-rosedesvents.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8345593, Longitude: 137.634311

comentarios 5

  • 早朝ライダー



    In a place like this? Despite its location, it is crowded on weekends due to word of mouth. There isn't much parking, but the friendly guy was very kind and I managed to get the injection. Good impression at this point. Once you step inside, you will be able to spend a pleasant time in the cafe-restaurant with an atmosphere surrounded by flowers. It seems that this place is used for TV commercials and filming, and it was famously used in a Mitsubishi ek wagon commercial.

  • teto 2022

    teto 2022


    Visited on Saturday, June 8th. To get there, I was guided along a mountain road using Google Maps, and I was nervous as I drove. The parking lot near the store's entrance was full, but the one a little further down the steep slope to the right was empty. The roses were gone, but the hydrangeas and other flowers were beautiful and it was a very nice garden. I arrived around 11:20, but there were already two people waiting at the cafe, and as I was taking pictures of the garden, I was called right away. I was able to sit comfortably on the terrace seating for four people. I had the avocado pizza and cream risotto with shrimp and it was delicious. The amount is small, so it may not be enough for men. Hydrangeas of colors I had never seen before were on sale in the middle of the garden. Next time I would like to visit during the season when the roses are blooming.

  • 肝臓は水で洗うんよ



    This is a shop that will make you feel like traveling abroad♪ ⚫︎Information There are two parking lots (left and right of the entrance) Deferred payment (cash only) ⚫︎Impressions You can enjoy the atmosphere as if you were abroad. I also had the pizza set, and I was very satisfied with the crispy dough and lots of toppings. I want to repeat it again.

  • Laura H. N.

    Laura H. N.


    It was my first visit. What was impressive about the atmosphere of southern France was the well-maintained garden. It was still early for roses to bloom, but I was able to see the arches and vines of roses with lots of buds, so I was looking forward to the rose season. This time, we had lunch and the pizza was delicious. Reservations cannot be made; you will be guided in order.

  • Venus Cosep

    Venus Cosep


    The salad is delicious and the cake. I like they give me a great amount of syrup and milk for my coffee. This place is perfect if you are looking for a garden cafe. This place maybe far from the main city but if you like roadtrip in the countryside to also enjoy the view. I recommend this place.

Cafetería más cercano

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