らー麺土俵 鶴嶺峰 i Yokohama

Japanらー麺土俵 鶴嶺峰



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4-chōme-25-6 Tsurumichūō, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0051, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 45-504-2207
internet side: ameblo.jp
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Latitude: 35.5074616, Longitude: 139.6796265

kommentar 5

  • Ribeye



    This place serves delicious unique tsukemen. It is run by an ex sumo hence the addition of delicious chanko meatball in the dipping sauce. It is wonderfully rich and has great umami from blended sardines. It is slightly gentle in flavour compared to other tsukemen, less greasy and almost seemingly healthier. The special thick noodles almost had the consistency and chew reminiscent of udon. What is really amazing is that the noodles were able to grab on the sauce, from first dip to finish, the sauce coated the noodles amazingly well. The mochi pouch was really cute and nice to dip into the tsukemen sauce too. The staff were friendly and accommodating, they take pride in their noodles. Do note to enter the store to buy a ramen ticket before joining the queue outside. The difference in price is mostly in noodle amounts, not toppings.

  • Yu Nagashima

    Yu Nagashima


    One of the best Tsukemen I’ve had and it is definitely a must visit if you are in the area. The seating is quite limited but the turnaround is swift and staffs are attentive. Will come back again.

  • Eat Finder

    Eat Finder


    A pretty light and delicious tsukemen (even the 'strong' option is not too strong - in a good way). And the noodle is pretty thick and chewy.

  • Ale G

    Ale G


    Best Tonkotsu ever!! All home made and also cheap, very big portion, pay attention on the top of the automatic machine if you don't read Japanese, I think the only numbers wrote are the grams of pasta!! We ate about 600 gr!! No one speak english, so just ask Ramen, press the button and good luck 😘

  • fortunato iii hije

    fortunato iii hije


    This ramen is a little bit healthier. Unlike with the other ramen, it has a lesser oil and salt. The soup is probably base smoked fish or bonito flakes, and the pork is a little bit sweet. Usually we come here at 6PM before this shop opens, it is better to be the first person in line.

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