ライダー&ドライバーズレストランCafe Route66 Roy's Cafe i Koga

Japanライダー&ドライバーズレストランCafe Route66 Roy's Cafe


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717-2 Shimokatata, Koga, Ibaraki 306-0127, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 280-33-7866
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 36.2107925, Longitude: 139.7961446

kommentar 5

  • m k

    m k


    American style diner. Tasty menu of burgers, jambalaya, steak, chicken.

  • photographs jashika

    photographs jashika


    The price is cheap and delicious. Also, because of its large size, there is a special taste.

  • Gavin M

    Gavin M


    This restaurant offers good American food within their limited menu selection. The restaurant's specialty and star dishes are hamburgers (real hamburger, not Japanese burger) and steaks. The Double Cheese and Bacon Hamburgers are juicy, very easy to chew, not greasy, not dry, brimming with succulent flavours, and plentifully filling. The French Fries are excellently done with no oil. The fresh Salad comes with various greens, sweet corn, tomatoes and other vegetables that will help your illusion of giving your guilty pleasure a balanced diet. They also offer a range of California Milkshakes that are quite delicious; I had the Strawberry Milkshake and though the shake was missing real fruits, lacking thickness and contained ice, it still tasted like the real thing instead of soft "ice-cream". They also serve wonderfully thick Pork BBQ Ribs that I recommend for everyone to try. However, please note that the ribs are not the best out there as the they are not cooked & glazed with Honey BBQ sauce and my serving of the meat was semi-hard. Maybe you might have a different experience so give it a shot for everyone should try good BBQ pork ribs if done right. The restaurant's design is like an old-style out in the middle of nowhere American diner that is clean, comfortable to sit and provide a nice feeling of respecting the culturing. Due to limited staff (whom are very kind & polite), the best time to visit is on a quiet day so if you come on a busy day, please try to help the lovely kind staff by cleaning your table and putting your plate & tray in the correct section when you're finished. If you never tasted good American food before I highly recommend everyone to give Cafe Route 66 a try for it will hit-the-spot and make you feel more than satisfied - 4.3 out of 5! If you been to the US and tasted Americans food before then I still recommend everyone to come once in a while to treat to your sweet tooth and hamburger craving, just note that the selection of American food is not incredibly wide for obvious reasons but do not let that deter you from chomping down on a good old' hamburger that is better than most other Hamburger restaurants in Japan (3.9 out of 5). If you are not a US tourist, I recommend everyone to check this restaurant out! If you are a US tourist then you are not missing anything. Thumbs up!

  • lexie_ jay

    lexie_ jay



  • Alexandre Yamada

    Alexandre Yamada


    Delicious steak and potato fries

nærmeste Cafe

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