R Cafe i 広島市

JapanR Cafe



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒730-0037 広島県広島市中区中町1丁目7
kontakter telefon: +81 82-240-8383
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.390412, Longitude: 132.460497

kommentar 5

  • Valentin “Valentino Balduino” Kostik

    Valentin “Valentino Balduino” Kostik


    We found the cafe by chance and I have to say it was very lucky. The cafe is beautifully decorated. The operator is very nice. We had two cakes, a cappuccino and a coffee. Everything was excellent. The café is a reason to come back to Hiroshima.

  • ai.



    I stumbled upon this store on a whim, and found it to be a stylish and comfortable space. Best of all, the sweets were very delicious. I can recommend this cafe because it's not just a cafe with an atmosphere, but a good taste. However, I gave it 4 stars because you can only use cash and the toilet is shared by the building, so it wasn't very clean.

  • Nis A

    Nis A


    It's been a while since I last bothered you. I was able to spend a relaxing time at a seat overlooking Fukuromachi Park. Both the cold brew iced coffee and caramel banana cake were delicious.

  • 広中誓子



    You can see Fukuromachi Park from the counter. Isn't the cherry blossom season spectacular? 🌸The omelette rice and eggs were fluffy and delicious.🥚The hamburger was also delicious. Is the quantity a bit small? I will go again ☕

  • 10kg Seko the Cat

    10kg Seko the Cat


    Staffs were very kind and the place was cozy

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