憩楽房 凪 en Niigata

Japón憩楽房 凪



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒950-0916 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Yoneyama, 2-chōme−1−5 ケヤキドリーム
contactos teléfono: +81 25-248-2888
sitio web: r209201.gorp.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9090223, Longitude: 139.0587688

comentarios 5

  • 宮“みぽりん”ホコ



    I've wanted to go for a while, so I went with my family of 7 and I'm grateful for the private room. All the food was delicious and I was able to eat just the right amount without leaving any leftovers. However, the price was probably cheaper than I expected. I want to go again. The inside of the store was clean and the service was also good.

  • Masato



    The food was delicious.

  • 海外移住希望



    Niigata station south exit. A famous store on Keyaki Street. There are many good restaurants around here, but the food here is also quite delicious. Considering the quality of the food, the price is reasonable! ️

  • 柳宗緒



    It's a really delicious restaurant, I'm impressed. Of course the customer service is great and you can have a pleasant time.

  • a nemoto

    a nemoto


    I was impressed by the care that was put into each item. For example, the Mahata in the sashimi, the large striped shrimp, and the Gyoja garlic sauce that goes well with the Murakami beef.

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