浅草浪花家 en Taitō-ku




🕗 horarios

2 Chome-2-12-4 Asakusa, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 111-0032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3842-0988
sitio web: a-naniwaya.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.714818, Longitude: 139.792769

comentarios 5

  • シナモン



    Great place to enjoy kaligori all year round! The kinako with the black sugar syrup kakigori is great and the drink set with a taiyaki (fish shaped pancake filled with sweet beans) is good value

  • ChunMi Araki

    ChunMi Araki


    Great spot to eat some Kakigori and Taiyaki after a visit to Sensoji shrine. The Taiyaki is made one-by-one and is a bit more chewy than I'm used to, but the red bean anko filling is delicious. And eating both the Kakigori and Taiyaki together is super yummy!We had a baby with us so it was nice to use the seating area. It's small but nicely minimalist, and there is a toilet. I would bring friends here again.

  • Mauricio Vargas

    Mauricio Vargas


    The wait was long, but the kakigori with nuts was very good and the taiyaki hot and fresh.

  • Aijia Yan

    Aijia Yan


    Awesome kakigori experience after getting burned and sweating for hours outside. The wait was quite long though.

  • A J

    A J


    The place serves good Asayake kakigori (Mount Fuji at sunrise themed ice cream)

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