浅草Buttobi w 台東区




🕗 godziny otwarcia

〒111-0035, 2丁目-12-10 西浅草 台東区 東京都 111-0035, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6231-7932
strona internetowej: www.asakusabuttobi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7123735, Longitude: 139.7916096

komentarze 5

  • misoko sasada

    misoko sasada


    I love this hostel. Nice staff , comfortable bed (too much nice bed. It’s might me you feel sleeping get good dream and sleep longer with some bed!!!) have cafe on first floor. But here no have elevators and have too small staircase!! Only good place for backpacker . Not traveler who have big luggage 🚋Location : 3-5 minute from Asakusa station 🛍Convenient store: 3 minute 🍽Restaurant: you can find around this area but mostly open late afternoon 🙏🏻Service: laundry if free , have rent Tower 100 yen

  • Sven Schilling

    Sven Schilling


    Amazing value for the price. You have everything you need in a good location. Staff is nice. However it takes a while until the room gets warm, we were freezing for about an hour until the heater starts working properly.

  • en

    Lucja Joanna A.


    Staff who speak little English; no warm water in sinks; a room for 8 people without a door, only a curtain that separates the room from the corridor. Rats running in the rooms at night, creepy sounds at night, bitemarks on food and chewed-out holes in one of our backpacks... we had to move out. The only good thing about this place is its location.

  • Julia



    Bathrooms are on 1st flor, quest rooms on 2nd flor. Rooms without doors. In November average temperaturę in house - 19st C. Cold and uncomfortable place with staff don’t talking in english.

  • Carlos Martínez de Valdivieso

    Carlos Martínez de Valdivieso


    The good: - It's quite colose to Tawaramachi station, so you can take the Ginza Line to go south in a couple of minutes. - Walking distance from Senso-ji and Kappabashi Kitchenware Town. - Free toiletries. - Even though the place is not the prettiest in the world, it has a good vibe. - I could check in and use the facilities one hour before check in time. The bad - It's kinda hiddien, so you need to look around a bit to find it. - It's not the prettiest I've ever stayed in.

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