QB HOUSE w č±Šå³¶åŒŗ




🕗 godziny otwarcia

怒171-0021, ļ¼‘äøē›®-ļ¼‘-25 č„æę± č¢‹ č±Šå³¶åŒŗ ę±äŗ¬éƒ½ 171-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 120-585-919
strona internetowej: www.qbhouse.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.7311176, Longitude: 139.710249

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arnaud Cadic


    Cheap and skilled!

  • ę™ŗē‰‡ć¾ć•ć‚„




  • Corentin Lange

    Corentin Lange


    Les coiffeurs ne parlent pas anglais du tout, donc si c'est pour une coupe simple Ƨa ira n'aller pas chercher une couleur ou quoi. Personnellement lors de mon passage avec un ami, voyant le resultat j'ai pleurĆ© de rire. La coiffeuse pensant que je pleurais Ć  cause du rĆ©sultat par compassion m'a offert le peigne, les coiffeurs sont trĆØs sympa. Donc si vous voulez une coupe simple pas cher et rapide c'est largement suffisant.

  • subkulture subkulture

    subkulture subkulture


    RACIST STAFF!!! HATE FOREIGNERS!!! I have had two terrible experiences with racist staff at this location. The first time I had this experience the staff yelled at me in Japanese "What do you want?" "What do you want?" before I even had a chance to sit down in the salon chair. The staff was very angry and frustrated the whole time even though my wife had spoken to him explaining the style I wanted. The second time I experienced a different racist staff member he refused to put my jacket and coat in the locker before my haircut and forced me to do it myself. Then my wife explained the style of the cut to him. He demanded that she tell him exactly what clipper size he should use and when she said she really didn't know the exact one he was even more frustrated and upset. He told her that he could not cut my hair the way that I asked which was simply just to gradient the side instead of just shaving everything the exact same length. So we asked for a refund, left and called the QB House customer service center to report the incident. I have been to this location for 4 years but suddenly he says that he can't do it. Unfortunately there are some very RACIST STAFF that HATE FOREIGNERS that work there but the other staff has been helpful in the past. I am choosing to go somewhere else after my second experience at this shop. The shop staff there can hate foreigners all they want there but it won't stop them from coming to this shop because of the price and location. Ikebukuro has a lot of foreigners who live there so this staff will just have to eventually accept it or look for a new job somewhere else.

  • en

    Jordan Thomas


    Quickest service I ever had at a QBHouse. The haircut is okay. Prefer the one in Nishi-Arai, take a bit longer and provide better service. Hairdresser seemed indifferent even irritated at this one. Also didn't take my loyalty card :/

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