PRONTO - Yurakucho en Chiyoda City

JapónPRONTO - Yurakucho



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-9-18 Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3216-2012
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6749827, Longitude: 139.7634685

comentarios 5

  • jj wong

    jj wong


    Overall a nice place to have a drink and chill, if you are looking for a place with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, then this is the place for you. I believe it's a cafe by day and bar by night.

  • Paulo Legnaioli (Paulo Leg)

    Paulo Legnaioli (Paulo Leg)


    Staff here has the worst attitude of any store I've seen

  • 田所唯香



    I visited with a friend on a holiday evening. I immediately understood why we were seated. The inside of the store is too small and very uncomfortable. The coffee in this photo costs about 1000 yen. Is it a scam? I will never go there again. I hate here.

  • David Kim

    David Kim


    Pronto. Franchised restaurant around Tokyo, very decent food and dessert Fyi. Dessert was wrapped in plastic which leads me to believe it's prepared elsewhere and delivered. I think the food and drinks are made on site and the servings although a little on the small side, it's delicious, especially the pizza.

  • Allen Widjaja

    Allen Widjaja


    Great tapas & nice cold beers. Highly recommended. Friendly bartender. They have English menu as well. Will come back again for sure.

Cafetería más cercano

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