Priya Indian Cuisine en Shibuya-ku

JapónPriya Indian Cuisine



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Japan, 〒150-0012 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Hiroo, 5 Chome−2−25 本国 ビル 3F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5941-6996
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.650257, Longitude: 139.720258

comentarios 5

  • Sarah King

    Sarah King


    My toddler and I ate at Priya for dinner the other night. The food was wonderful. Good sized portions and lots of choices. The staff went above and beyond for my kiddo. I would gladly eat here again.

  • Vishnu Kuna

    Vishnu Kuna


    Decent food. Not so warm service staff. Felt discriminatory in their approach.. Favouring the Japanese but unwelcoming of ethnic Indians.

  • en

    Sarah uco navata


    we visited for lunch.we were the only two needing service in the restaurant yet the service was so slow . the portions were pretty good and there were wery skimpy on the chicken. we visited based off the reviews but i've had much better Indian food and customer service.

  • umesh majhi

    umesh majhi


    Its one of the best Indian restaurants I tried in and around the area both in terms of ambience and service. Food is decent with good amount of varieties compared to the restaurant's nearby. Its little expensive than the others. You can find the restaurant in the third floor. Look for the restaurant's name in one of the stickers near the stairs on the street. Take the lift and you will be straight inside the restaurant. You can see good local crowd there unlike in other Indian restaurants.

  • Ferdinand Wolfer

    Ferdinand Wolfer


    Name one restaurant in Japan where the staff rememberes you and already know what you're going to order. To me that's Priya and their awesome staff. This makes all the difference in the world. Apart from that the curry is so good. Go for lunch, pay your 1000 Yen and be amazed, because I'm pretty sure this is one of the best meals you'll get for your money.

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