Printing Museum en Bunkyō-ku

JapónPrinting Museum



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒112-8531 Tōkyō-to, Bunkyō-ku, Suidō, 1 Chome−3−3 トッパン小石川ビル
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5840-2300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.709245, Longitude: 139.741581

comentarios 5

  • en

    M. Douglas


    I would never have thought that a printing museum could be so interesting. I really enjoyed myself at this museum and spent half a day taking in the exhibits. I went during a weekday and it was quiet and relaxing. It's especially interesting if you enjoy the artistic and the technical. This museum effectively exhibits both. One of my favourite museums in Tokyo.

  • Scott Minns

    Scott Minns


    I really enjoyed the Printing Museum, the majority of the displays are in Japanese, but there is so much to look at. At the very end we got to experience making our own book marks using a printing machine - which was really fun. The older man running the printing demonstration was engaging and funny, and was a great conclusion to a great day.

  • add San

    add San


    This museum is the best place you can go to it To enjoy

  • en

    Fabio Zucconi


    Economic museum near Tokyo Dome, a tiny gem interactive ed ineteresting with the chance to attend printing workshops in the open view lab inside the museum.

  • Jeffrey Lin

    Jeffrey Lin


    Interesting exhibition, wide range of articles, interactive videos and posters from various periods. The museum is very quiet, situated amongst office buildings. Quite a bit of a walk from the station.

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