Price Cut en Akashi

JapónPrice Cut



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Nishiwaki-塚本64-1 Ōkubochō, Akashi, Hyogo 674-0054, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 78-935-4500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6916342, Longitude: 134.9358933

comentarios 5

  • 大塩陽介



    Assortment, thin. Only minimal purchases. I'm going to Konan, which is about 3km away.

  • ゴリ押し男



    I always visit my local home center. The parking lot is spacious and will never be full. There are flower shops, convenience stores, supermarkets, drug stores, chateraise, veterinary clinics, barber shops, bakeries, etc. nearby. There are also logistics bases for Fujitsu and Coca-Cola. I bought tomato seedlings at the home center. There are cherry tomatoes, large tomatoes, and medium tomatoes, so be careful not to mix them up. There are many kinds of fruits such as tomatoes. I bought cherry tomato seedlings from Kagome and Suntory. We also purchased seedlings of yellow fruit tomatoes, seedlings of green peppers, shishito peppers, and eggplants, and fruit trees such as mandarin oranges and peaches.We also had cow manure, chicken manure, chemical fertilizers, blocks, corrugated sheets, PVC pipes, single pipes, etc. Ceramic flower pots, planters, and water bottles are also available. Cherry tomatoes have been on sale since around April. A cardboard frame was designed to make it easy to take home, so I fit it in and took it home. I immediately took it home and planted it in a flowerpot at home by mixing chicken manure and soil. The mini tomato life begins again this year. lycopene power

  • gonnta gonnta

    gonnta gonnta


    It's a normal supermarket. It is managed by Okwa. The good thing about this place is that there is a home center and a 100-yen shop next door. Although the name is "Price Cut", I feel that it is not that cheap. One of its strengths is that it's a collection of stores where you can find anything.

  • syuji imanisi

    syuji imanisi


    It was open even after work, so I wish they would close at 9pm again if possible, but it can't be helped. They have everything, and they also sell trash bags and sandwiches that you always use. Recently, they have run out of coffee, but since they have coffee on display at room temperature, I always buy it. I always buy frozen Sanuki udon here.

  • るん



    It's a difficult time for my children to go shopping due to their age, but the staff at the cash register were kind to my children, so I went home feeling relieved that I was able to shop today with the help of the staff. In my personal opinion, this is the easiest store to shop in the neighborhood. I am always grateful for your help. The products are not super cheap, but I often buy bento boxes and they are delicious. You can use several credit cards and QR code payments.

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