Precce Premium Tokyo Midtown w Minato City

JaponiaPrecce Premium Tokyo Midtown



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Japan, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 9-chōme−7−4 東京ミッドタウン ガーデンサイド 地下1階
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5413-5109
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6657189, Longitude: 139.7298174

komentarze 5

  • Regina Gunawan Lee

    Regina Gunawan Lee


    I am disappointed that they are increasingly shortening their hours. It used to be a 24 hour supermarket and when I lived around here I really appreciated it. Although I agree that it is not worth it for them to open past midnight as when I went around this time it is always deserted, I feel like it is in their best interest to cater to people who work around the area in the morning. My work starts at 8 am. If I wait for them to open, I would be late to work. And we actually often need access to fresh produce before work to prepare. We would also love to be able to purchase food and beverages for lunch as we cannot freely leave work during the day. I would be greatly appreciated if they could open around half an hour to an hour earlier to cater to those of us who commute or begin work early. I do really appreciate the staff’s assistance as they often help me reserve ingredients for the next day when I needed it.

  • Joao Lima Lima

    Joao Lima Lima


    I was told they validated my parking for 2h, then I got charged at the machine while leaving the parking lot. Scam

  • Zachary Hubbell

    Zachary Hubbell


    We love this supermarket! They have a partnership with Oisix and have some lovely organic vegetables, along with great meat, fish and cheese selections. Totally worth a visit, even if you don’t live in the immediate area!

  • Ken Liew

    Ken Liew


    This is the super market on B1 inside Midtown Roppongi. Surprisingly it’s not as expensive as I thought it would be (still more expensive than your local supermarket). It has a wide variety of food and drinks which includes fresh fruit, vegetables and meat etc. They change the daily lunch meals everyday which is great so I’m not eating the same thing everyday.

  • Adiseshan K

    Adiseshan K


    Upscale supermarket with a good selection of imported products and organic produce. As a result, prices are on the higher end. Location is a bit convenient for the business persons in Midtown Tower.

najbliższy Supermarket

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