Pourquoi Toyohashi en Toyohashi

JapónPourquoi Toyohashi



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒441-8002 Aichi, Toyohashi, Yoshikawachō, 162−1 フルール・ド・ソレイユ
contactos teléfono: +81 120-976-202
sitio web: pourquoi-cafe.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7703588, Longitude: 137.3624488

comentarios 5

  • アリス



    The couple visited for the first time at around 1:30 pm on Monday, October 10, 2022 (holiday). The location was a little difficult to find as it was attached to a beauty salon. The parking space was large and seemed to be shared. When we entered, there were only two other people with us, so when we told the female staff member that it was our first time visiting, she let us choose a table first, sat down, and looked at the menu. is completed. It was my first time, so while I was looking at the menu and thinking about it, the female staff member from earlier came over and explained the menu to me. Once I had decided, I had to go to the counter, order, and pay first. Ta. Since we only had coffee for breakfast, we ordered quite a bit. My son ordered today's scone and drink set for 770 yen. This is a set of 3 scones and a drink. Today's scone was chocolate chip, matcha shiratama azuki, and salted caramel nuts. For my drink, I chose tea. My son loves scones, so he ordered two more scones. The most popular rich butter is 275 yen, and the limited time sweet potato scone is 198 yen. I ordered the gratin plate for 990 yen for my gratin lover. The set includes gratin, salad, and one scone or petit quiche. I chose the petit quiche (spinach and bacon). I later realized that it didn't come with a drink, so I ordered an additional iced coffee for 385 yen. I really wanted to try a sandwich, so I decided to share the 495 yen omelette and sautéed mushroom sandwich. After a short wait, the orders arrived one by one. It appeared to be run by two young female staff members. I thought the iced coffee was average, but the tea was delicious. One of the scones was small and they were all warmed up, so the outside was crispy and delicious. My son was impressed by the scones from a bakery shop called SURIPU in Nagoya two days ago, so his scone rating was a 4. The gratin, quiche, and salad I ate were delicious. The omelet and mushroom sandwich that we shared was so delicious that we wanted more. Although the size was small overall, I thought the taste was good.

  • little happiness

    little happiness


    This is a store I've been interested in for a long time. I visited during lunch time today. Perhaps because I was a little early, there was only one other person eating in the restaurant other than me, so I was able to spend my time in a relaxing and stylish space. It appears that take-out is possible, and there were several people who came to buy scones and sandwiches. I ordered a sandwich soup salad set. The set includes a sandwich of your choice from different prices, a salad, consommé soup, and a drink. It was like you could choose your favorite drink from a wide variety and get that amount added to it. Consommé soup can be changed to the monthly soup for an additional 100 yen. February is Japanese potage of burdock and miso. It was an unusual potage, so I had it changed. It was a creamy and delicious soup with a strong burdock flavor. I had a hard time choosing between 7 types of sandwiches, but I decided on the sugar butter bacon pepper sandwich. It's a filling sandwich, and it's a delicious sandwich with sugar butter and mustard mayonnaise. Lots of vegetables and pickles are also included. For the drink, I chose a strawberry milk and yogurt smoothie. This delicious smoothie is less sweet and contains strawberry jelly and strawberry pulp. Lastly, I ordered scones as a little addition to the menu. Since I ordered the scones with the set, I got a 50 yen discount. I made it with chocolate chunks, and it had a lot of chocolate in it and was delicious. The price changes depending on the contents of the set you choose, but today's total was 1,595 yen. It may seem a bit pricey, but I'm satisfied with the fact that I can relax and eat delicious food in a nice interior space. When I looked at the morning menu, it seemed reasonable, so I'd like to try it next time.

  • にゃんとも



    This is a stylish cafe. After reading the reviews, I was hesitant because it seemed like it would be a restaurant with a lot of young people, but I decided to visit because I wanted a light sandwich. A style where you sit down, order at the counter, and wait at your seat. There was a low and comfortable sofa, so I was able to relax. The staff were all very pleasant and even when I was confused about ordering, they were very kind and explained things to me. What I ended up choosing was a sandwich soup set with iced coffee. It looks just like I like it, but the soup, sandwiches, and coffee were delicious. Very satisfied. I chose the duck loin and cream cheese sandwich. The apple jam added a slight sweetness and sourness to the dish, giving it a rich and refreshing taste. The smoothie also seems to be free of sugar and coloring, so I'm excited to try it as a set with a smoothie next time.

  • Thomas Koenig

    Thomas Koenig



  • Kara Caguimbal

    Kara Caguimbal


    The food is great. They a variety of choices from bagels to sandwiches to desserts.

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