Post Office i Fukuoka

JapanPost Office



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-8-37 Hakozaki, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0053, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-641-6188
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.6194139, Longitude: 130.4258843

kommentar 5

  • Hiroefx Das

    Hiroefx Das


    I recently ordered a package to be mailed, and a woman was in charge of it, and she explained the cost and helped me seal the package.I was very pleased with her courteous response. This was my second visit as I had just moved and was a little nervous, but I would like to thank everyone for being kind and easy to understand. Please continue to do your best in your work. I'll stop by again.

  • returndollthis c development

    returndollthis c development


    There are only veterans. No matter when I go, there are only people with the same faces.

  • Jasmin



    Very competent and friendly Lady at the Parcel counter. Although there were a lot of customers she was very helpful and efficient. The lady at the parcel counter was very efficient and helpful. They were very kind and efficient even though there were a lot of customers.

  • pawnshop



    The manager here is a kind and polite person.

  • 真鍋和生



    The last time I went there, he told me a lot of things. It's now a post office It's a bank. Let's go slow, slow, slow.

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