Popeye en Shibuya City




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒151-0053 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Yoyogi, 1-chōme−10−7 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5351-1311
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6820426, Longitude: 139.6984725

comentarios 5

  • CW



    I love this place! They have an English menu, and tons of great combos for 700-900 yen and the portions are huge. The curry is amazing too. The lady who runs it is the sweetest, she’ll take good care of you

  • Soul Star

    Soul Star


    They have an English menu! It is a nice small store that sells fried food sets with a salad, miso soup, and rice. The staff are friendly! Just speak up if you're uncomfortable with anything! It's great to hear the sound of trying and cooking as you wait for your order. The price is also excellent! Only ¥850 - ¥950 for a set!

  • Adrian Liebtrau

    Adrian Liebtrau


    Absolutely lovely food, great value and the owners are just the friendliest I have ever seen.

  • Matthias Mok

    Matthias Mok


    Went here a few years back in 2018 and everything about this restaurant was great. From the family service, to the food and the help they gave us when we travelling around in Japan at that time. I hope I am able to visit when the next opportunity comes!

  • steve drake

    steve drake


    I love this place. The owners are so sweet and nice. The menu has 20 or so combos with hamburger, fried shrimps, crab cakes fish ECT. Great spot !!

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