Polka Tenmaya Happy Town w Takahashi

JaponiaPolka Tenmaya Happy Town



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1084-1 Nakabarachō, Takahashi, Okayama 716-0045, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 866-22-7171
strona internetowej: www.polka-takahashi.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7831958, Longitude: 133.6105766

komentarze 5

  • メガネあーやん



    Takahashi is a lively place with some of my favorite shops. The most memorable thing is that there was a red bird in front of the pet shop, but now it's gone and it's sitting next to the pet shop.

  • 寺沢新子



    It looks like the supermarket that appeared in Yuji Oda's Prefectural Office Star. Speaking of Yuji Oda, he is the epitome of his youth, which included Tokyo Love Story, Odori Daisakusen, and World Athletics. I was surprised that it came to Takahashi City. By the way, Kou Shibasaki was a good-looking clerk in Good Luck, Dr. Koto, and the star of the prefectural office. I'm sure there are young shopkeepers like that. You will be healed by the Showa era scent that will make you feel drawn into the world of movies.

  • 一陽来福



    Food and other items are not cheap, but they have everything from common items to high-end items. Having conveyor belt sushi is an advantage over Yume Town. There's Suwaki Koraku, and there's also a food court with rice and udon noodles, so it's convenient for people of all ages. However, in the winter, when you open or close the entrance on the parking lot side, a tremendous cold wind blows in, and it becomes a bit of a hell while waiting to enter in front of ``Swaki Koraku Chuka Soba.''

  • tora m

    tora m


    It is located about 10 minutes from Bitchu Takahashi Station. I feel a little relieved when there is a complex like this (lol) There are several restaurants inside the store, and since it was around lunch time, the restaurants were busy. There didn't seem to be that many people at the supermarket. It also has the 100 yen shop Daiso, which is convenient. There's also Mos Burger. It was written that Polka's food court is closed. I thought it was innovative to close a store even though it was still open. I guess it's unique to the countryside.





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