Pole Dance Tokyo in Minato-ku

JapanPole Dance Tokyo



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Japan, 〒107-0052 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Akasaka, 3 Chome−16−8 東海アネックスビルB1
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5941-8998
webseite: www.poledancetokyo.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.674829, Longitude: 139.736309

kommentare 5

  • en

    Lisa Grant


    EDIT 2: From checking the Facebook page, it looks like the instructor's name is Christi Ray. It also seems like the man filming was from the Abema TV segment as the same guy who filmed me is in one of the Facebook photos. I would NEVER have agreed to have been filmed for tv! I am FURIOUS about this. What an invasion of privacy. EDIT: The class was in early 2017 with a Russian(?) instructor who wasn't Diana. I went in the second or third week. It was definitely this studio as I remember the location (I went there 5 times). I don't know who the guy filming me was but he seemed to be filming the instructor "helping" me. I think he was Japanese. Regarding the hoop class, I couldn't lift myself to the hoop and got separated from the rest of the class. The instructor would come over, show me something quickly and then rush off back to the other group. I couldn't pick it up after just being shown once and the instructor seemed annoyed with me. This is why it seemed like there were too many people as it felt like I only got 5 minutes of the instructor's time and was left alone the rest. I would have preferred to have been in the group (even if I couldn't do everything they did) or had a beginners only class. The pole dancing lessons are fine. The hoop class had too many people and so I didn't learn anything as a beginner. The silk class was fine. The acrobatics/gymnastics was truly horrible. The teacher repeatedly screamed at me right in my face when I wasn't strong enough to do a bridge (it was my very first lesson). I nearly started crying it was so bad. Some guy from the studio also filmed a close up of all of this without my permission. I never went back to the studio after this despite my year membership card.

  • ja




  • ja



    インストラクターのみなさんも生徒さんたちもみんなフレンドリーでとても楽しです^ ^ 沢山お友達が出来ました!

  • en

    Antoine SOULAT


    Pole Dance Tokyo is a great place to learn aerials and burlesque. The instructors team is large enough to find an instructor and a method that clicks. Most teachers are pedagogical and teach at a level adapted to amateur while still being challenging. The studio is clean, spacious with even showers and a resting area (which is quite unique for a studio in Tokyo).

  • Hai-Hsin Huang

    Hai-Hsin Huang


    Beautiful and professional facility and great instructors

nächste Spa

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