Pizzeria Bar Romana i Shinjuku-ku

JapanPizzeria Bar Romana



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒160-0022 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinjuku, 1 Chome−5, 新宿1‐5‐6 御苑ビル1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3341-3964
internet side: r.gnavi.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.688024, Longitude: 139.7107406

kommentar 5

  • Shweta Ghosh

    Shweta Ghosh


    Great place for a cozy dinner or date night !! Chefs recommendations were an absolute delight :) one of the best meals I have had in Japan :)

  • Shweta Ghosh

    Shweta Ghosh


    Great place for a cozy dinner or date night !! Chefs recommendations were an absolute delight :) one of the best meals I have had in Japan :)

  • en

    Shawn Rush


    Delicious hand thrown pizza. Service was top-notch. The small restaurant was spotlessly clean. A great find in the neighborhood. Very English friendly!

  • Taylor Locke

    Taylor Locke


    Staff was really nice and on top of service. Food was kinda boring to be honest. I don't think the price was comparative to the quality. Nice place though.

  • Paolo Di Patria

    Paolo Di Patria


    It is almost 4 stars, but selection of mushroom for pizza boscaiola I had was not 100% ok. Very gentle staff, and super creamy good ristretto coffee. I'd go back again..

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