Peter at The Peninsula en Chiyoda-ku

JapónPeter at The Peninsula



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1 Chome-8-1 Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 100-0006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6270-2763
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6747052, Longitude: 139.7606592

comentarios 5

  • en

    Bec Dean


    Highlight of our holiday was having cocktails with a view of Tokyo’s skyline. Lovely mood music. Super friendly English speaking bar staff. Expensive cocktails however worth every penny - the quality is second to none. Definitely worth the treat. We were made to feel welcome and upon return six days later we were welcomed by Krystal - who even remembered our favourite cocktails. Highly recommend.

  • en

    I.C & K.Y


    They have weird furniture there. Chairs are not very comfortable to sit in, tables are at strange height. Maybe this is their way of ensuring that people do not stay too long. Location is good.

  • en

    Monitesh Gounder


    Excellent service and food choice... setup looks good... Staff can communicate in English / Chinese

  • Tammy Liu

    Tammy Liu


    Great hotel, with a fantastic view! We were lucky to have had the best table in the restaurant! For lunch set, salads and deserts are all-you-can eat + a main course. The ambiance is more modern, with a night club feel. For the price, the meals were good and the services were excellent! The only complaint I have is that they allowed people in the lounge to smoke during meal time which was really a bad idea for us non-smokers who were trying to enjoy a great meal!

  • Elaine Brown

    Elaine Brown


    I have never had a bite that I didn't love! The food is artistic and lovely. The setting is romantic and chic. Service is impeccable. I always come to Peter when I'm in town.

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