Pelcola Okayama w Okayama

JaponiaPelcola Okayama



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒700-0024 Okayama, Kita Ward, Ekimotomachi, 1−1 一番街地下4
kontakt telefon: +81 86-226-1299
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6649036, Longitude: 133.9184422

komentarze 5

  • osamu camper

    osamu camper


    The store is located along the passage lined with restaurants in the basement of Okayama Station. This is a long-established Italian restaurant that has been operating on Ichibangai for over 20 years, and is very popular, so it gets fully booked during peak hours. This time I came to the store using Choi Drinking Notebook Vol. 4 (P125). It was Golden Week, but I was lucky enough to be able to enter the store right away. The small drink set includes 5 appetizers and a drink for under 600 yen. The appetizers were very tasty, especially the prosciutto and salmon. I will find another opportunity and repeat.

  • Eno



    Pasta shop in Okayama's underground first street Visited during dinner time and ordered Set A (1,500 yen), which includes salad, drink, pasta, and dessert. I chose pescatore and white wine. I think it was a good set for the price, but the taste of the pasta was very disappointing. The noodles break easily, and it feels like it doesn't mix well with the sauce. The overall taste is bland. It was nice that there was a lot of seafood. Overall it was fresh. I thought the salad, dessert, and wine were enough to do their job. Aside from the taste, the service from the staff is excellent. The male staff member in charge of the table was very friendly. The atmosphere doesn't feel luxurious, but it feels good for a light meal. There were many customers who came alone.

  • Alan Chen

    Alan Chen


    Nice Italien restaurant serving quality spaghetti. I enjoyed the Japanese flavor spaghetti very much.

  • 松尾綾子



    Lost,beef. Good,taste!

  • Scott Durand

    Scott Durand


    we stopped here after a long bus ride craving some authentic italian. we had a variety of lunch sets which were delicous and reasonably priced. it was a very enjoyable meal deserts were delicous. my chicken and mozarella pasta was yummy, carbonara was also great and the meat sauce pasta set was great value

najbliższy Restauracja

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