Peacock Store Daikanyama i Shibuya City

JapanPeacock Store Daikanyama



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Japan, 〒150-0034 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Daikanyamachō, 17−6 アドレス・ディセ 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6415-3051
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6490027, Longitude: 139.7031844

kommentar 5

  • Cutepic-S G

    Cutepic-S G


    Nice gentleman at customer service counter (a little after 1000 hour), who also helped with grocery bags as parking floor A is accessible by stairs only (my first visit). Use B1 floor if you will end up with many bags. Parking service ticket is only 1 hour for purchase above ¥2,000-. Hence even if you bought ¥10,000, it still is only 1 hour parking rebate. It is part of Times parking. . Vegetables section is not too bad. Bread section is limited probably because there is a bakery outside. Meat section is reasonable. Seafood and fish section has lots of fresh selection. Obento section is reasonable too and the osushi obento can be paid for together with grocery unless you eat at the counter there.

  • William Teoh

    William Teoh


    Went to their supermarket. Small supermarket but has most of the daily necessities. The supermarket is a bit hard to find at first

  • User



    Lower prices here for oats, peanut butter, chicken breast, granola, etc. There's an isle for discounted pastries. I suggest Life supermarket for fruit, vegetables and pre-made food. I hope I helped ☺

  • Sriya Thota

    Sriya Thota


    The best grocery store in Daikanyama. Wide range of selection in produce, meat , vegetables and snacks !!

  • Evan Tang

    Evan Tang


    For a "nice" supermarket, it doesn't really have much. Nice old ladies run the cash register. The selection is very limited, recommend the Ebisu Peacock over this one. Oh and it closes pretty early at 10pm.

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