Patty stage (Star Gate Hotel Kansai Airport) en Izumisano

JapónPatty stage (Star Gate Hotel Kansai Airport)


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Japan, 〒598-0048 Osaka, Izumisano, Rinkūōraikita, 一番地 スターゲイトホテル関西エアポート 2階
contactos teléfono: +81 72-460-1130
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.4111721, Longitude: 135.2998759

comentarios 5

  • 830 crim

    830 crim


    At first glance, it looks like a high-end restaurant, but it's delicious and cheaper than I expected, making it a great value for money restaurant. You can have a nice lunch set for around 1500 yen. Even if I had a drink bar and cake set for lunch, it cost less than 2,000 yen. The cake has a lot of flavor and is very delicious. I was full just from lunch, but I ate it all (^^;) The drink bar also has a wide variety and is delicious. The interior design and food look good, so they look great in photos. I used this place for my senior's wedding after-party, and the food and presentation were wonderful. I think it's easy for guests to come because it's directly connected to the station.

  • J J

    J J


    Hamburger & beef loin steak set With raclette cheese & baguette 3100 yen First experience with Marchand de Vin Butter 100% coarsely ground beef Full of volume! ! The sweets area has a wide variety and looks quite delicious! ! . . . I'm curious! !

  • Qume O

    Qume O


    I stopped by on my way back from the outlet. I was tired so I made a cake set. delicious fruit cake I ordered tea, but I was happy that the tea pot was designed to keep it from getting cold.

  • Kirk Chantraine

    Kirk Chantraine


    Not a lot of selection and not the best food (particularly for vegetarians) but we had a margarita pizza which wasn't offensive. Would go back in a pinch but not recommend.

  • ぎゃるまま日記



    The atmosphere of a hotel is relaxing. There are mini-course meals, which are reasonably priced. What you can expect is cake. The photo shows a special 3-tiered Christmas cake. It took me three days to finish it, but it was delicious.

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