Pastorante Ohana w Takahama

JaponiaPastorante Ohana



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒444-1332 Aichi, Takahama, Yuyamachō, 4-chōme−5−1
kontakt telefon: +81 566-91-2087
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9368267, Longitude: 136.9987466

komentarze 5

  • にっしー



    I am a person who comes to the store once a month. I highly recommend this restaurant for its food, customer service, and atmosphere. I get the impression that most of the customers are couples, couples, families, and female customers. Since there is a wide range of customers, it can get crowded easily, so it might be a good idea to make a reservation. You will be guided in less than 10 minutes without a reservation (depending on the situation) The menu is basically mostly pasta. There's pizza, but it's small. There are about 5 types of parfaits, but there are also seasonal parfaits, so you can enjoy them if you come around the change of seasons. The number of limited edition parfaits will vary depending on the quality of the ingredients and the purchase made on the day or the day before, so please inquire before visiting. There is a second parking lot next to the store and nearby, so drivers should check that.

  • 杉本康一



    I've always wanted to go there, but I just couldn't find the time, but I finally got around to it today, June 16th (Sunday) around 1:30pm. The reason for this was that the moment I entered the store, the circulator at the entrance brought in hot air. Even after entering the store, the heat didn't change...I couldn't stand it anymore so I asked the store staff. Then he apologetically explained, ``The air conditioning wasn't working properly.'' First, I ordered the parfait, which is the store's specialty. The face of the male staff member who took the order was bright red, and the employees looked quite upset as well. The customer service of these staff members and the food provided were tastefully arranged and very good. I thought these so-called software aspects were close to perfect, but on the hardware side, as mentioned earlier, the temperature inside the restaurant was dangerous due to the defective air conditioning system, so it was not very pleasant to be able to enjoy a meal slowly🙅‍ ♀Other than that, there was noticeable damage and dirt everywhere in the store, probably due to heavy wear and tear as it is a popular store. I would like the store manager or owner to think about this. Make the customers feel excited and also make the store staff feel sad. I would like to see a thorough review of the hardware aspects and maintenance. However, since the building is old, I would like to take the plunge and close it down for about six months to renovate and renovate it. My personal speculation is that he was sitting cross-legged at a popular restaurant! The staff are all great, so the owner needs to take care of this.

  • OYA BAKA Productions Michael Green

    OYA BAKA Productions Michael Green


    My son and I loved it! Pasta was great...and the dessert was so good. Very reasonable for such a good restaurant.

  • Nadir Syed (NDR008)

    Nadir Syed (NDR008)


    Amazing pasta with fresh ingredients. Pizza is pretty good too. Focaccia is great too. I miss this place.

  • carlos domingues (kao)

    carlos domingues (kao)



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