Pasela Akiba Showadorikan i Chiyoda-ku

JapanPasela Akiba Showadorikan



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒101-0025 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Sakumachō, 2 Chome−10
kontakter telefon: +81 120-706-738
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6980271, Longitude: 139.7761218

kommentar 5

  • Gilles Manem

    Gilles Manem


    Nice choice of songs, nice cocktails

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    I don't see why everyone is giving the shop good reviews; the shop is old, has terrible service, is expensive, refuses single customers and most importantly you can't use the log-in functions of DAM and Joysound. Might work if you are having a class reunion in 20 years but DOES NOT WORK if you would like to sing for an hour or so.

  • Tofu



    Great place to either stay overnight or just sing throughout the night with friends or family! There's an all you can drink option too!!

  • Reuel Reyel

    Reuel Reyel


    Friendly staff, great food and drinks. Fun times!

  • en

    Wil M.


    Great place, with good pricing. Usually will get lost in the fun and need to extend the time.

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