Paris Gonze w Wakayama

JaponiaParis Gonze



🕗 godziny otwarcia

321-2 Enokihara, Wakayama, 640-8434, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 73-456-6082
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Latitude: 34.2559598, Longitude: 135.1325105

komentarze 5

  • Sarah Sesti

    Sarah Sesti


    I went there because I wanted to eat French food for the first time in a while. Each one was carefully made and tasted very delicious. The atmosphere of the store is also nice. Prices have gone up and there are fewer restaurants where you can eat casually, but this course is a good deal and I would like to come here from time to time.

  • EITI



    R6.4 Enobara, Wakayama City A hidden French restaurant located in a residential area, there are 5 parking spaces in sections A to E at the back of the store, and PayPay payments are accepted. There is elegant background music playing inside the restaurant, and there are two tables for two people and three tables for four people. Montagne You can choose fish and meat for 3300 yen including tax, which is today's meat dish, sautéed Spanish chestnut pork, dessert is caramel banana and gateau chocolate, and drink is cold cold brew tea (rose drop). montagne From hors d'oeuvres to tomato bread, they put paper on the table with the types of hors d'oeuvres written on it, making it easy for customers to understand. ⚫︎Cashew nuts/cheese/mushroom pate de campagne ⚫︎Homemade beetroot bread mini burger with smoked salmon and cream cheese dip ⚫︎Green salad ⚫︎Bacon and onion quiche ⚫︎Ratatouille (vegetables stew with tomatoes) ⚫︎Pork rillette bruschetta Everything is well made and quite delicious♪♪♪ pumpkin and parsley soup The food is served on a piping hot plate so it doesn't get cold, and the soup has a perfect balance of pumpkin and parsley, making it quite delicious♪♪♪ Today's meat dish and baguette This is also served on a piping hot plate, and is sautéed with Spanish chestnut pork that has been raised to eat chestnuts.The chestnut pork has been aged to be soft and has a high quality meat with a rich flavor, and the sauce is also wonderful to bring out the flavor of the pork to the fullest. Excellent taste with sauce♪♪♪ The daikon radish, bamboo shoots, green beans, and broccoli are also good, and the potato salad is especially excellent♪♪♪ Dessert caramel banana and gateau chocolate Gateau chocolat, vanilla ice cream topped with fresh cream, and bananas are caramelized and look beautiful. Gateau chocolat has a strong chocolate flavor and is delicious with just the right amount of sweetness♪♪ Cold cold brew tea (rose drops) It has a gorgeous aroma and a refreshing taste, but you can also feel the taste of the tea leaves and it is delicious♪♪ It is a well-known restaurant that is overflowing with hospitality, with great attention to detail.

  • kozu



    2023.4 parigo While I was staying in Wakayama, the daughter of a friend of mine got accepted into the school of her choice, so I visited the store to congratulate her. The food, service, and atmosphere were all great. They were also very attentive, offering a surprise celebratory dessert plate. They have a wide variety of wines, and there are some brands that I can't afford (lol). I think the food is reasonably priced considering the quality, so it's great for anniversaries and celebrations, as well as a reward for yourself for working hard. I will visit the store again when I stay in Wakayama. Thank you for the treat.

  • Mizuki Koyama (みゃみゅ玉子)

    Mizuki Koyama (みゃみゅ玉子)


    This is a store I've been curious about for a long time. Used for wedding anniversary dinner. All the dishes were delicious. Chopsticks are provided from the beginning, so it's easy to eat! I'm happy about places like this. We had some time to talk, so I was able to ask him about the lighting in the store and the frog figurine that was on display.

  • Mark Holmes

    Mark Holmes


    Enjoyable lunch. Nice staff. Tricky drive with tight corners.

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