パボーロ・パブーロ en Saitama




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2-chōme-46-12 Higashiurawa, Midori Ward, Saitama, 336-0926, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 48-875-5689
sitio web: m.facebook.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.8601886, Longitude: 139.6980251

comentarios 5

  • 秋山和枝



    It was my friend's birthday, so I wanted to go to a restaurant where I could eat slowly, so I ordered the pasta course and it was very delicious🤗My friend was also happy🎵

  • 猫目石M



    The store has a nice atmosphere and the staff are very friendly and easy to talk to. I was told that they had peach spaghetti. The sweetness and sourness were well balanced. You can enjoy various flavors and get full. Although it's not pictured, the focaccia was also delicious! Thank you for the meal.

  • 39mom



    It's a bit of a walk from Higashi-Urawa Station, but I found a very nice shop. The appearance of the restaurant, the customer service, and the food and coffee were delicious, as if it had been loved by the neighborhood for a long time. We brought our small children with us, and they provided us with plates, spoons, and forks before we asked for them, which was very helpful. The pasta for the lunch course was very delicious, and the dolce platter and Italian roast coffee we had after the meal were also wonderful. If I have a chance to visit here next time, I would definitely like to try it with wine in the evening. There are steps at the entrance, so please be careful if using a stroller or wheelchair.

  • 山口克身



    The exterior looks like a small restaurant in an old European town, but the entrance door may be a little difficult to enter for first-timers. Once inside, there are table seats and counter seats with dimmed lights, as well as three bright terrace seats near the windows separated by curtains. The skills of the friendly wife and the chef shine through the lightness of the carefully selected ingredients and the deep flavor and richness of the dish. I had a pasta lunch with an appetizer and a dolce platter. It's a little pricey for lunch, but I was satisfied after eating it! ️As a side note, I was impressed by the delicateness of changing the degree of boiling of the pasta depending on the sauce and seasoning! ️Dolce's assortment of ice creams was not gelato but rich ice cream.

  • momo Wata (momochi)

    momo Wata (momochi)


    A ristorante in a detached house in a residential area near Higashi-Urawa Station ❤ It has a cute exterior, terrace seating inside, and a calm atmosphere with the feel of a private room. There were two types of lunch: pasta lunch and course lunch. I had a pasta lunch with a choice of appetizers, pasta, and dolce platter. Appetizer: prosciutto and cheese salad For pasta, I chose eggplant with tomato sauce. The salad-style prosciutto appetizer is also hearty, and the focaccia is fluffy and delicious. The tomato sauce on the pasta was also delicious despite having several types of cheese on it. The Dolce Assortment had a variety of cute bite-sized pieces - the basil sorbet was refreshing and delicious.

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