Ozawa Dental Clinic w Toyama

JaponiaOzawa Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

762 Nakaoida, Toyama, 930-0166, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 76-436-6448
strona internetowej: ozawadental.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.7013609, Longitude: 137.1288723

komentarze 5

  • Ohira Takayuki (Mugisha)

    Ohira Takayuki (Mugisha)


    At my first visit, I was told that I had more than a dozen cavities, so I went to see him for a while, but my wife, who was going to the clinic with me, had some trouble, so I went to another dentist. He said there were no cavities that needed treatment. It is said that early cavities can be cured by brushing your teeth. It seems that Mr. Ozawa has a policy of ruthlessly cutting down on such teeth. The stuffing had to be redone several times due to air bubbles. And that filling came off several times with just a light flossing. I'm getting this fitted at my current dentist. As an amateur, I don't know whether Ozawa's policy is good or bad. However, I think a second opinion is important. You will use your teeth for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure you don't regret your dental choices. I strongly recommend that you do not just accept what one doctor tells you, but rather that you visit another clinic and treat your condition only after being satisfied with it.

  • いしだだ



    I went to the hospital for whitening and ceramic dental treatment. They were thorough in everything from the pre-procedure explanation to the prognosis, and they even removed the adhesive that remained on the surface of my teeth, which I didn't know existed from orthodontic treatment at another hospital. I think some technicians didn't notice it because it was thinly attached to the surface of the tooth, or even if they did notice it, it was a hassle and they left it alone. I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind from a bright, skilled and responsible dental technician. thank you very much.

  • ow arr

    ow arr


    Thank you for your help for many years. A tooth that I asked not to be treated (which had no symptoms or problems) was treated without permission. Also, without any explanation, there were more items with 100 medical points, like a 2-year guarantee. It would be fine if it was just an increase in capital investment, but I feel that things have changed to the point where I'm worried that some strange consultants may be involved. I'm sorry but I won't be going again.

  • もっちゃんもちもち



    Root treatment did not work, so I was transferred to another hospital. It's been 3 years, but I think it was a wise decision. My teeth became sensitive due to too much tartar removal (I was told it was temporary, but it's been going on for 3 years). Even though I had canker sores, they forcefully pried my teeth open with an instrument. The dental hygienist got mad at me.

  • mもん



    In terms of cheap free medical treatment, I would give it a 5 star. Tooth decay treatment at another hospital → Immediately suggest silver teeth or ceramic teeth (silver teeth covered by insurance or ceramics costing 80,000 to 100,000 yen). I can't afford to spend a lot of money on premolars, so I searched all over the city for a dentist that uses the CEREC machine for a second opinion. (I called about 10 different places and found this one to be the most reasonable.) Currently, insurance covers premolars and white teeth can be inserted, and they also have a CEREC machine, so I was able to have new teeth inserted on the same day. (Within 10,000 yen) As shown in the photo, there are many options here, and it is attractive that you can choose according to your budget. I also like the natural colors. If I were to list a few negative points, I would say that the dentist is too busy (there are about 10 rooms in the hospital, and it's busy. I wonder if there are probably 10 people who have reservations at 9 o'clock? )It felt like she was a charismatic hairdresser, treating my teeth with ease and leaving the rest to the hygienist. I would like to spend a little more time face-to-face with each patient. (If you go to a small place in town with only 2 or 3 examination tables, you might be a little surprised.) On the homepage, the doctor's passion for marathon fever is written, and it is clear that he is a passionate doctor. I didn't think it would be, but I was surprised at how crisp it was. (Maybe good for those who like mackerel) I think the level of the dental hygienist is good. I was surprised that he taught me a lot of things and even cut down my temporary teeth. The dental hygienist in charge of me was very nice, listened to me carefully, gave me advice, and I was impressed by how well she studied. (A technician did it for me when I had my teeth fitted.) If you are going to have crowns or implants installed in the future, I recommend this place (price wise).If you have the money, I recommend Okada Dental Clinic, which is located around Nishimachi. . (Please see the review as well) The coronavirus countermeasures in the hospital were perfect. Automatic body temperature measuring machine, disposable slippers, mouthwash, etc. I thought it was good.

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