
🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒870-0839 Oita, Kanaikeminami, 1-chōme−5−1 コレジオ大分 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 97-554-5801
sitio web: ownspace.me
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.2304699, Longitude: 131.6069649

comentarios 5

  • ゲン



    If you order a drink, I think you will be able to work more slowly.

  • k. m.

    k. m.


    I love the single-seater chair by the window. If you become a member, you'll enjoy half price on your second drink at the cafe. Also, most of the store staff are cute and nice. If possible, it would be good to have a calendar on the official website. There were a few times when I went there and it was a day off. The site is good, so I would like to see some improvements to the website.

  • Simon Kearney

    Simon Kearney


    Great space to work from. No hassles, good coffee and music.

  • Quick Quick

    Quick Quick


    Although it is small, it is easy to work with and the price is low, so I would use it again.

  • Matthias I. Lambrecht

    Matthias I. Lambrecht


    Co-working space located close to Oita station. Drop-in costs just 1000 a day, including a drink ticket for the cafe next door. Great location to get some work done, or to use for small group meetings. No reservations needed, but the space cannot be used during events, so check the homepage or call before visiting.

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