Otsubo Dental Clinic i Hiroshima

JapanOtsubo Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-14-10 Takata, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0851, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-507-0007
internet side: www.ohtsuboshika.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.3905753, Longitude: 132.3983319

kommentar 5

  • 純(jun)



    All the dental hygienists are wonderful, but the level of dentistry has declined. Before I knew it, a young, well-looking doctor from a university hospital was no longer able to come, and I felt like I was missing out when I had an older female doctor and a slightly younger male doctor. He couldn't find the problem just by shining a laser on it, and when the new dental hygienist pointed it out, he seemed dissatisfied. Sometimes people throw a spoon at me and say, ``That's not true.'' I'm happy that we are increasing the number of examination tables and parking lots so that we can see more patients, but I would like to see the quality of medical care maintained.

  • 白ここ



    I used this dentist several years ago. A female dentist? While looking at the random pile teeth, there is a triangular corner.It collects garbage, right? He said while laughing and I felt sick. I'll never go there again.

  • だいち



    thank you always. All the staff are kind and courteous. I always have the same dental hygienist (my favorite lol) with me. Recently renovated, there is now 1 private room in addition to 5 open chairs. I thought it was just for VIPs, but I was glad to be shown around as well (lol). Very good to have laser treatment.

  • 猫猫



    I've thought this was probably the case for several years, but we're packing too many patients. Treatment progresses like assembly line work. I think anyone with good sense would notice that. It is a reliable treatment that progresses like assembly line work and does not require redoing. . As mentioned in the reviews below, doctors change frequently and their treatment opinions change as well. It's a human job. It would be better if there was a doctor-in-charge system. The treatment involves replacing your teeth, and your own teeth will gradually decrease. Rather than preventive measures for each individual I can't feel the teacher's enthusiasm. If you feel like you can receive proper preventive measures, you should go.

  • a standing.

    a standing.


    This dental clinic is no good. I've been there several times before, but I honestly don't recommend it. Dr. Otsubo is a very nice person and an excellent dentist. However, because there are too many patients, it would be the worst if another doctor was assigned to the case other than Dr. Otsubo. As a dentist, I'm surprised that all the teachers are at a level that I would doubt. I couldn't get rid of the pain, so I went to a different dentist, but the cavity was in a completely different location, and the pain went away right away. If you are going to attend school, I think you should choose Otsubo Sensei.

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