Otori Gastroenterology Hospital in Sakai

JapanOtori Gastroenterology Hospital


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653-1 Kami, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8311, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-273-2821
webseite: www.otori-icho.jp
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Latitude: 34.521259, Longitude: 135.4588176

kommentare 5

  • 三浦十右衛門



    [Foreign tense] Do all the employees have low social skills or are they poorly trained? A way of speaking that doesn't listen to what others have to say, and picks things up and jumps to conclusions. There is almost no reporting, communication, or consultation. I received a phone call 10 days after the test to ask for the test results. When I went there, without any report, I was suddenly told that I would be hospitalized for 10 days. Next door, there is no informed consent. No sense of accountability. Lack of guidance as to where and what to do. There is no water supply in the waiting room either. Every clinic these days has hydration equipment. It's far from the station and the bus connections are bad. I understand that you shouldn't come by bicycle, don't ride in a car, and don't go to the hospital on a motorcycle because there are treatments available, but why would you go to a hospital like this on an isolated island? Think about a shuttle bus service from major stations. [After hospitalization] Director Isao Kawai. In summary, Director Kawai is the only choice. When I was admitted to the hospital, the nurses were very kind, kind, and considerate. I think this is a hospital where the evaluation changes drastically when you are admitted. I wonder if this has an effect on outpatients. Maybe it's because of wrinkles, but I'm pretty angry.

  • そこのけどんどん



    It's helpful because you can get everything from camera inspection to results in one day. You can also trust the doctor's ability.

  • 我が名は?



    An unknown number of years ago, I wasn't able to go to Osaka University Hospital due to time constraints, and the hospital took care of me from 6 a.m., but the nurses were very bad at drawing blood and administering intravenous fluids. So, I wasn't prescribed it, but when I went to see a doctor here, there was a time when everyone had medicine that looked like glue on stationery, and I wondered what it was. Nowadays, I would have been able to find out, but when I first had a colon camera, it was a random procedure, so I told the doctor who was there at the time that this area on the left side felt like it was hurting, and I thought, ``Is it a gallstone?'' That's what I was told. There is a limit to misdiagnosis. Gallstones are on the right. Even though he is a doctor, it is impossible for him to make such a mistake. After it was rebuilt, I went there again a few years ago, and I thought it was amazing because Director Nakata was still in office, and the director's son was now Vice Director Kawai. He's the current director. I think it would have been better if I had been examined by Deputy Director Kawai, but when I was examined by Deputy Director Tenjo, who is not my biological son, he told me that I had kidney problems, but there was nothing to worry about.Since this is a gastrointestinal hospital, the gastrointestinal department examined me. The areas that can be treated include the stomach, esophagus, large intestine, and small intestine, but when I told the doctor at Osaka University Hospital that I had taken painkillers for my gallbladder in my kidneys, which hospital should I go to? The name of the disease given to me by the vice director of the kidney clinic, Tenjo, does not cause any pain. My kidneys were in pretty bad shape, but I was going to have them checked, and I also discovered that I had a gallbladder disease that was in pretty bad shape. So, I was immediately admitted to Osaka University Hospital and underwent surgery on the same day. Director Nakata is a kind and good teacher. However, I honestly think it's no good to have been misdiagnosed so many times at a small specialized hospital, and I'm scared to think that my first doctor is still practicing somewhere. Although it is also a gastroenterology department, the scope of examination has expanded and we are now able to examine the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.However, when a colon camera was used, it was only on the left side that gallstones were detected. The era of Director Nakata was good, but I will say it clearly. I think it's pretty rough here. It's like, what do you think people are? Please be careful if you are going here. Also, the official website says that he is a famous doctor, but I don't know how to list that. I've never seen anything like that at any other hospital.

  • mii



    This was my first hospital stay before summer💦I was on almost no diet here, but the doctors and nurses were very responsive and made me feel very comfortable. Anyway, everyone is so kind ♡ If I had to say, it was unclear what the underlying cause of this illness was, but I think if they had transferred me to another hospital, I wouldn't have been so worried. I went back to eating normal food in the second half. The meal was very delicious! Anyway, all the staff It was a really kind hospital. Thank you very much ❤️

  • たまごぴー



    I went there for the first time with my mother, who was recommended to me by my family doctor. The symptoms of hemorrhoids, a disease that my mother is known for having given birth to four children, have become stronger over the years, and I was told that it might be best to have surgery, but I underwent a thorough examination and the results were 4 times. After all, it was determined that surgery was necessary, so he was admitted to the hospital. I listened to the detailed pre-surgical instructions that three parts would be removed, and the surgery was completed successfully with lower body anesthesia and sleeping pills. According to him, the pain was gone and it was over before he knew it, and when he woke up, he was in the hospital room. Basically, the surgery is performed while the patient is conscious under anesthesia for the lower body, but some people find the fear of the noise of instruments during the surgery stressful, so you can choose to have the surgery completed unconsciously by sleeping. As for the caesarean section I gave birth at at another hospital, it was an operation where I was conscious under anesthesia for my lower body, and although there was no pain, the sensations, sounds, and conversations of the procedure made me extremely nervous and frightened, and the alarm kept ringing. My mother was advised to have surgery to sleep with sleep-inducing drugs, because she had experienced the sound of an anesthetic and was unable to breathe due to the anesthesia reaching her upper body, and the comfortable and stress-free experience of having a gastroscopy done with a sleeping drug. I recommended. Thanks to the skillful surgery, my progress was good and I was discharged from the hospital in a week. As one of the causes, I am also relieved and will be going to the hospital from now on until I am completely cured. On the day of hospitalization, an antigen test was positive for coronavirus💦 My pre-surgery coronavirus test came back positive, and I was quarantined at home for a week without any symptoms, but I thought to myself, ``I'm going to do it again!?'' But I decided to take another test, and this time I took a PCR test. The result was negative. Maybe it was negative last time? I had doubts, but the hospital made arrangements, and I received a notification from the government office without any formalities, food boxes, etc. arrived immediately, and I was contacted every day by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to inform me that I should enter my physical condition on an app. It was a surprising incident, as I remained asymptomatic for a week and my family was not infected, but the result was okay👍 However, just to be safe, I was given a private room, and I was nervous about the hospitalization fee.I had hoped to be admitted to a large room, but the hospital arranged for me to stay at the same rate as a large room, free of charge❣️ From the first visit to the hospital, tests, surgery, hospitalization, visits to deliver laundry etc. at the time of hospitalization (limited to one relative), and discharge. The doctors, nurses, reception staff, everyone was very kind, explained everything I didn't understand in detail, and treated me kindly, so it was really nice 💕 The bicycle parking lot 🚲 is near the building entrance, and the parking lot 🚙 is used for parking, but those who have errands to do at the hospital, such as going to the hospital or accompanying others, can get a service ticket for free. Once you have parked your car, use the green ticket machine near the building entrance to issue your parking number, and then show your ticket at the reception desk on your way home, or at the nurse center in the hospital room on the 3rd floor when you visit, and you will receive a service ticket based on the length of time you parked. Please don't forget to issue your ticket. The parking lot is one-way in a circle starting from the building entrance. There are two exits, one on the entrance side and one on the back side, but the entrance side is not wide enough for you to face the other side, so if there is an oncoming car, you will have to stop in front of it and wait before exiting. The back side climbs a short slope and emerges onto a narrow road with an opposite path, so be careful ⚠️ to check left and right. Free Wi-Fi is also available in the outpatient waiting room on the first floor of the hospital. It seems that there used to be public telephones, but they have been removed as mobile phones have become more popular, so if you have a mobile phone, you are required to bring it with you when you are hospitalized. If you don't have one, the hospital will contact your relatives, so it's a good idea to tell the nurse. By the way, my mother was the latter. My mother was also happy that she was able to have the surgery with peace of mind and was comfortable. I felt really happy that he introduced me to this hospital. If something were to happen to me, I would like to be taken care of by this hospital 😊 As a side note, regarding the unfriendliness of the receptionist, I would probably recommend a soft-spoken director for first-time visitors! It seems that this is supported. When my mother first visited the hospital, she was told the same thing, but I left it to her and asked her to be examined by the vice director. When he showed his true face, he just seemed unfriendly, but when he was in trouble, he noticed and kindly explained to me. She was a very cute person with a smile💕 By the way, the director is a kind old man. The vice director is a kind veteran teacher who is around 50 years old and has a cheerful personality. The attending physician who performed the surgery was also a kind veteran doctor who was around 50 years old and had a soft type.

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