Otaya Takami en 一宮市

JapónOtaya Takami



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Japan, 〒491-0847 愛知県一宮市大和町宮地花池高見9
contactos teléfono: +81 586-26-1101
sitio web: www.ootayatakami.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2894414, Longitude: 136.8058444

comentarios 5

  • ぎんぎつね



    Miyaji Hanaike Takami, Yamato-machi, Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture ¥600 11:00-21:00 Monday (Closed) 2024/6/8 A one-story detached udon restaurant located along the prefectural road south of Ichinomiya City. Miso stewed udon is famous, but since it's June, I order Oyakodon for my sister. The atmosphere is that of an udon restaurant, with 2 wooden tables, 4 tables in a raised area, and 2 tables in the back. As it was a Saturday night, there were families visiting. Unusually for oyakodon, you can choose between miso soup or salad. The oyakodon (oyakodon), served in a rectangular Japanese tray, has a color that reflects the flavor of the soup stock and a kinshi-plated finish. Well-cooked onions that are brown and transparent. The eggs will also be soaked in the soup stock. The combination of red and white kamaboko, finely chopped chicken, and seaweed balloons creates a rich flavor that also goes well with miso stew udon. Maybe there is a connection? I was grateful for the salad on a ceramic plate with lettuce, shredded cabbage, cut cucumber, and tomato with a sour Japanese dressing. Two pieces of takuwan are attached to a small bowl. I had the oyakodon (oyakodon) with soy sauce soup from a udon restaurant.

  • S cotani

    S cotani


    This is an udon restaurant in Ichinomiya City. Unlike the main store, the menu was extensive. I had the miso stew udon lunch set. Topped with a soft-boiled egg. It was a miso stew udon bowl-style dish made with medium-thin udon noodles and carefully selected ingredients. When eaten with rice, it tasted exceptionally delicious.

  • 24 Bond

    24 Bond


    This is a style of eating miso stewed udon in a bowl. The noodles were thin, had a good amount, and were delicious. I think it's easy for children to eat too.

  • n nakano

    n nakano


    Thickness of miso👍Smoothness of noodles👍White rice👍Takuan👍 I prefer the chicken to be young. The one inside was quite hard🐓

  • ましょまろん



    If you want miso stewed udon in Ichinomiya, it's Otaya. It all started when I was still young when my seniors took me there, and I thought that seniors who knew such delicious restaurants must be special people. Since then, I've been to many different restaurants looking for delicious miso stewed udon, and they've all been delicious, but this is by far the best. The main store is also delicious, but this one has a more extensive lunch menu and rice bowl menu, all of which are delicious.

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