Ōta Hospital w Ota City

JaponiaŌta Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-4-14 Ōmorihigashi, Ota City, Tokyo 143-0012, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3762-8421
strona internetowej: ohta-hp.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.569161, Longitude: 139.7378101

komentarze 5

  • 喜屋武ガミオ



    When my relative was hospitalized, my slippers were stolen many times.

  • ハッピー



    I will never go there again!! ️I don't even want to go 😱 Damn that hospital!! ️Dr. Deguchi and nurse Wada explained to me what to do in case of cardiopulmonary arrest, and they coldly told me that there was no way I could save the patient. Should I tell my family? I'm sure he's bothering me just because he's busy, but I'm sure he's a relative too! ️I guess that's the case with their own relatives too 😱 I feel sorry for the people in the hospital 😭

  • J L

    J L


    He was taken to the hospital by ambulance in the middle of the night and was only given an intravenous drip. I couldn't walk, but the nurses ignored me. The female nurse's treatment was the worst! ️ Moreover, in an emergency, can the hospital explain the situation to the family? When I asked the nurse, she said, ``No, I can't do this anymore. I'll call the police.'' The way she yelled at me was amazing.

  • まる



    My mother had a one-day surgery. I can't wake up after the surgery. Unconscious. What can you do for me? ! ! Although my mother, who is in her 70s, agreed, Was the surgery necessary in the first place? The hospital couldn't take care of my mother, so they moved her to another hospital. If you can't treat someone who doesn't regain consciousness, don't do surgery in the first place. trust issues and

  • Ejnar Sigurdsson

    Ejnar Sigurdsson


    Request emergency response based on instructions received at the fever consultation center. As I was explaining the circumstances, I mentioned that I had made an appointment at another medical institution but was unable to arrange a taxi, and he responded, ``It's not a problem even if you come by taxi.'' Who told you about taking a taxi to Daejeon Hospital? So, I asked for conditions such as ``near a hospital,'' so I told them I lived nearby, but when I told them my address, they said ``I don't know.'' “I have to ask you to tell me your symptoms.” Huh? I told you about the symptoms earlier. If you express that you're making me angry, they'll call you "high-handed." Is this what doctors do? Frankly, please quit.

najbliższy Szpital

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