Ota Dental Clinic in Dazaifu

JapanOta Dental Clinic



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3-chōme-1-52 Ōzano, Dazaifu, Fukuoka 818-0134, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-920-5333
webseite: www.ohtadc.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5021987, Longitude: 130.4954543

kommentare 5

  • Hiz46



    I don't know if I'm good at it, but there are so many customers that I can't receive consecutive treatments. Even though I made an appointment, I was sent to the next appointment without a proper examination. I don't feel any sincerity as a doctor at all. If you go here, you won't be able to treat cavities until it takes more than a year.

  • 要冷蔵



    I went there because I had a sharp pain in my tooth. The reviews were very polarizing, but since it was close to my home and I was curious about it, I decided to check it out for myself. The result was terrible. Similar to other reviews, a female doctor attempts to remove healthy teeth due to the problem of occlusal alignment. A female doctor who becomes blatantly displeased when asked for an explanation. When I refuse treatment, I become even more unhappy. What is this doctor? I thought I would never go there again. I can't recommend it at all. Give me back my time and money.

  • チラシ寿司



    My niece didn't like this dentist, and the person who didn't know if she was a dental hygienist or a receptionist advised her to go to another dentist because she didn't like it. Other dentists treated me well. Thank you for encouraging me to go elsewhere.

  • Porepore《ポレポレ》



    At first I was thinking about going because of the posts, but since it was a dentist I was interested in, I decided to go see it for myself. Both the staff and the director who treated me were very conscious of treatment, and Dr. Ota immediately understood that even though I had appealed to my local dentist, I had not been able to get my point across and was not understood. Ta. I was always anxious when going to the dentist because I have a lot of things to do besides teeth alignment, bite, and tartar, but the explanations were easy to understand and made me feel at ease. I thought it would be a shame if people misunderstood what a really nice dentist I was, so I decided to write about my impressions of my visit (*^^*) The director was friendly and easy to talk to, and the reception staff and female assistant director were both kind and gave the dentist a homely atmosphere. It was very different from the dentist I had imagined, so I was even more happy (*^^*) I'll visit you again (o˘◡˘o)💕

  • John Smiss

    John Smiss


    The patient didn't even do what he asked for, and was given treatment that didn't need to be done, which made his condition worse. After chewing on a stone with my silver tooth and chipping it, I started to experience pain when I chewed on things. I wanted the silver tooth to be treated, so I took an X-ray, but the results showed that there was nothing wrong with it, and I was told that it was a problem with my occlusion, and two healthy teeth in the occlusion area were ground down. I think it's starting to hurt,'' but when I told her that it wasn't painful at all, she explained, ``It'll get better in about two weeks.'' He also examined my other teeth and recommended treatment, so I replied that I would at least consider this once things got better. In the end, my teeth still hurt, my bite worsened, and I ended up doing things I didn't have to do! I also felt that the act of recommending treatment for another tooth that doesn't hurt (cavity) even though the treatment was barely completed seemed disgusting. By the way, the store is newly built and has private rooms, so the architectural environment is quite clean.

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